
Open or Closed?

The rest of the day moved on pretty normal. Banter between Tina, April, Mark and Chad could be heard whenever they were around each other about one thing or another but smiles never left there faces as it was all in good fun. Getting a tour by Katie of the ranch and a little history proved to be exciting and very intrusting. Katie even invited Hunter along who joined in on the fun.

Chad didn't get to talk with Rosalyn the rest of the day. When he did get to see her it was from a distance, or only for a split second and than she was gone, more than likely not even noticing he was there herself. This time he didn't chase her though knowing she did have work to do and to keep from getting her in trouble he best let her do it. Maybe tonight she would come and they could sit and chat a little more. Chad could only hope.

...And so the day pressed on, slow for some who wanted the night to come, and fast for others who wanted time to last a little longer before they had to say goodbye. No matter the length though night did come and those who faced it held there head high.

   "You're going to bed already?"

   "I never said I was going to bed, I said I was going to chill in my room! Are you not monetering my ever move or something?"

Chad stood in his bunk trying to push his brother out the door. Normally he wasn't one to rush his brother anywhere but he still had hopes Rosalyn would come and the last thing he needed was Mark chiding him and ruining the whole night. No a little peace and quiet is what he wanted right now.

   "There is something funny going on with you. Reciting poems, now wanting to be alone, stealing looks at someone you dont even know. Your going to get yourself in trouble."

   "Your right I am if you don't leave and I knock you out. Now get out."

Finally pushing her brother out the door Chad gives a huff. He new his brother had no idea what was going on with him, or was concerned but he really had no need to. He was on the straight and narrow path for many years no and he had no intention of going off it. Maybe it was just Mark's I'm the other brother side that seemed to take over sometimes.

Going to the desk where some of his items were Chad turns on the stario that he's place a CD into. The soft sound of drums, a guitar and a piano played and it made him feel content. Taking off his shirt from the day Chad leaves his whifbeather on just in case he did get any visitors. 

Hearing the knock on the door Chad can't help but smile. He new who it was because it was a light knock and before the door is even opened he can feel his heart start to race again. Opening it and seeing just who he thought he would his eyes twinkle.

  "Come on in. I was starting to think you weren't going to come."

The room was nice and clean even if had only been one day there was no dirty cloths laying all over except for a pile of dirty sheets in the corner he had no idea what to do with. But everything else had a spot and put there nicly not just thrown.

Once Rosalyn was inside Chad starts to close the door but stops looking back at her. He felt silly being thirty six years old and asking what he was next, but he than remembered Rosalyn a bit younger than him even if he wasn't sure how much younger.

   "Would you feel more comfortable with the door open or can I close it?"

Sitting on the swing with Hunter Katie leans into him a little. She'd passed on UNO tonight as she wanted to just spend some time with him. Time was moving to quickly and though Katie new Hunter wouldn't be gone from her for long her heart still acked a little bit since they had spend almost every day for a month together.

   "I was thinking of leaving tomorrow, but I think I've changed my mind again."

She'd changed her mind three time already on when she wanted to leave. This time though she figured it out though and she was going to stick with it. If she wanted to be back to work by Monday she had to or else it would never happen and she didn't want to ware herself thin in such a short time.

   "I'm going to leave early Sunday morning. It at least gives me all of tomorrow to spend with you, and I can get a halfway goodnight sleep to drive back."

Letting out a sigh Katie looks up at Hunter and study's him for a long moment before letting out a small sigh.

   "Time went to fast ya know that?"

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