

Intently listing to Rosalyn talk Chad gave a few nods here and there listing and at parts finding it slightly confusing but it seemed like something Jade really didn't want to talk about right now. He wouldn't push her when and if she was ever ready to talk about them he'd be waiting to listen with open ears.

Hearing about her brother Chad things for a moment. He though maybe he had seen him once or twice and now thinking about it he could see how they kind of did look the same.

   "Yeah I think I have seen Ty at church once or twice. He is pretty quiet but he does seem like a nice kid."

Leaning back on the bed and putting his arms behind his head Chad cocks his head to the side being able to still look at her while she talked. The sound of her voice was so nice almost like an angelic song to his ears. He could listen to her talk for hours. 

About to tell her a little about his own self Chad is cut short by Rosalyn little cry of pain. Sitting up again quickly Chad moves a little bit closer to her taking her hand in his own to look at the pick. It was small and hardly any blood but Chad didn't like seeing her in pain anyways, it sent a chill through him he did not like.

   "Aw Hun I think the needle just thought you were sleeping beauty. Let me kiss it before I lose you to a never ending sleep."

Closing his hand around hers Chad lets his hand just swallow hers her one finger that was pricked sticking up. Looking into Rosalyn's eyes her brings her finger to his lips and places a kiss on it. Just leaning her finger on his lips for a moment his eyes don't leave hers. Finally bringing her hand down he gives a grin to her his voice a soft whisper.

   "How's that feel?"

   "I know the feeling all to well."

Katie continues to look up at Hunter. She wasn't being clingy but after a whole month of spending almost every moment with him it was going to be hard breaking away from that now. It was going to feel slightly strange too.

   "I only hope it will move by quickly."

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