
Before 8AM

Leaning in a little close letting his lips brush hers Chad gives a slight jump at the loud bang as he thoughts are snapped back to here and now and where they were. Looking up and backing away slightly as Rosayln moves around him and back to the stove Chad leans against the counter just watching and listing to her interact with Dylan.

Watching her interact with another person it was intrusting. She was very concerned and did her best to do what was best for them. It was nice to see how caring she really was and it warmed Chad's heart a little more to know she was like that.

Once Dylan was gone, and now knowing where the coffee cups were Chad grabs one for himself too. He'd wanted very badly to kiss Rosalyn and in a round about way she'd given him permission but now...now sadly that would have to wait. The moment was broken and even if it was to come back he'd guess more people would be coming for breakfast so there was no point right now anyways.

And like someone might have rung a bell the front door out in the main room opens and Tina and Mike's voice can be heard. Rolling his eyes and letting out a small sigh he takes a few steps to Rosalyn and stands next to her looking out into the main dining area.

   "If you want to come by tonight to help me with this button I'll be awake. Thank you for the breakfast, there is never a moment I'd say no to food. I better go now before I get myself in to much trouble."

Taking a muffin and a napkin along with his coffee walking slowly to the door. Stopping for a second he looks back to Rosalyn his eyes dancing, as she smiles and shakes his head a little before disappearing into the other room.

   "You're up early."

   "And look at that he found the food already go figure."

Chad cocks his head a little bit and squints his eyes looking at his brother and Tina. Setting his cup and muffin down he takes his seat across from them and shakes his head.

   "I'm always up this early, its YOU guys who are the ones up early. And of course I found the food...fresh out of the oven too. Thats what happens when you can get your but out of bed before eight a.m. you guys should try it more."


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