
What kind?

Jared remains pretty quiet on the way to the lake - joining in conversation only when Grace would lead the topic. For most of the ride, he stares dimly out at the scenery, his head resting against the window.

Once reaching their destination, he does his best to get back out of the car and into the wheelchair again. Just the simple tasks seemed to sap all of his energy, leaving him exhausted. He knew his strength had taken a step back... which just made him feel even more down.

A short ways into the sand, about as far as they could go with his chair, he glances around, contemplating Grace's offer. Did he even want to get out of the wheelchair at all? Eventually, he nods. "Yeah, okay. I don't think I can do it on my own unless I just wanna fall face-first." 

Letting Grace help him, he manages to at least put some weight on his legs a little bit so she doesn't have to do all of the work. Finally getting seated on the blanket, he stares down at his useless legs for several moments. He'd picked a pair of comfy jeans today... but what was the point, when he couldn't do anything anyway?

His eyes drift out to the quietly lapping water. "I used to swim in this lake," he comments softly. "Justin and I used to see who could swim the farthest." He squints at the low rippling waves. "I couldn't let him win so I just kept going. Justin almost drowned - Dad had to swim out to us and help him back in. Thing was... I knew I could swim better than he could. I knew he couldn't beat me... but I pushed it anyway and almost got him killed." 

His gaze glances to Grace. "What kind of ten-year-old does that?" 

Sighing, he eases down to lie on his back and stare up at the sky instead. 

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Hey Babe. 
Hope ur first day at work is ok.
Miss u already.

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