

Letting out a small breath and looking at Jason again Katie found it hard but she wanted to know how he was doing. He looked well, a lot better than when she'd left. He wasn't so pale and thin anymore now that he was healthy. Not having there connection has caused a lot of havoc mostly on her part but if face with the choose again she would do the same thing. Knowing he was alive, and ok...that was joy she had left even if she never said it.

   "Umm...yeah ok I'll go talk with Sapphire and than get back with you. Thanks Reese."

Turning to head out of the office Katie eyes passed over Jason's for a second catching tight of the tension in them. It sent a sting right to her heart that hurt more than she really had expected. Continuing out the door and closing it softly behind her Katie lets out her breath now. The air had been thick and hot in there, stepping out here again was a cool breeze.

Getting out onto the main floor again Katie makes her way to Sapphire's desk taking the longer rout from the office. Passing the intermarry door Katie backtracks and stops a little bit looking in and seeing Misty. Another part of her heart ached, for Carson, for what Misty though of him, and the sting of knowing she was dating Jason. She wasn't upset or angry with Misty she hadn't dont anything wrong, if she was upset with anyone it was herself and her actions.

Giving a knock on the door and poking her head in Katie lets out another sigh quick. She was going to do her best to be civil with everyone and Misty had been one of her good friends. She had to try and continue that.

   "Hey Misty I wont hold you up I just wanted to say hi, and congrats."

   "Thanks Katie, It's good to see you back."

Misty was unsure of what else to say the whole thing was kinda of awkward for the first day of it. Maybe in time it would get better. She was happy though that it seemed like Katie was trying to at least be friendly.

Seeing Rick on the other side of the room Katie gives a wave before disappearing once again and continuing her rout to Sapphire's desk. The quicker she threw herself into work the quicker time would pass and hopefully things would become much more easy.

Grace gives a smile as her cheek turn a little red. This morning had been a little rough for her but she was feeling slightly better now and having Jared tell her she looked nice helped. Giving a laugh at his comment of her driving she walks to behind his chair and starts it forward.

   "I can't promise you I am a better driver. I've been known to leave a few marks myself but...thats another story."

Starting forward Grace takes Jared past the kitchen to let Lydia know they were leaving and would be back soon. Grace giving a joking promise that she would have him home before ten. Heading out of the house now and getting situated it doesn't take long to get into the car, and than head to the beach. It was a little bit longer of a drive but not to horrible bad as Grace tried to keep the chatting light till they got to the destination.

Finally there Grace was helping Jared from the car once again and gathering there things together. Taking the wheelchair and pushing it out on to the sand it helped that a few days ago it had rained so the sand was packed down nicely making it a little easier but not to hard to sit or wet. Putting the blanket out and turning to Jared again she smiles.

   "Alright, want me to help you down on the blanket?"

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