
Holy Moly

Grace gives another smile at Lydia, She wanted her to come and get out of the house but she was kind of happy to it was going to be just Jared and herself as well. He might be a little more open with her if it was that way. She just hoped getting outside would help brighten him up a little bit.

   "Alright, maybe next time you can come with us."

Giving another smile and turning around Grace heads out of the kitchen leaving Lydia to her cooking and going down the hall to find Jared. Knocking on the door and opening it Grace see Jared and she can't help but let her smile grow a little more. He looked really good this afternoon, even a little glow to his face too.

   "Holy moly, I hardly new it was you. You are lookin gooood this afternoon."

Coming over to him and leaning down to give him a hug. Pulling away her eye twinkled as she looked down at him. She was excited for today and new it was going to be a good one, she could just feel it was.

   "Need anything before we go?"

Looking up at Jason and returning the kiss Misty loved the new daily normal of seeing Jason in the morning, getting a kiss and just talking for a little bit. Most morning it happened like that and than some mornings it was a little less.


Today was going to be one of those mornings. Not even getting a chance to say more Misty's head turned this was and that following everyone who was talking. All she can do is chuckle as the whole thing continues and Jason gets pulled to one place and than the next.

   "Alright, I'll see you for lunch Hun. Don't work to hard."

Stepping onto the main floor of TJY Katie felt slightly strange being back here. Why she wasn't sure but could only guess it was from being away for so long. She'd jump right back in though and face thing whole thing head on. Carson was right, she could over come anything and this was just another step. 

Walking to her cubicle she catches sight of Jason heading into Reese office turning around quickly maybe he hadn't seen her...not yet. Dang....now that she turned around she didn't know if he did go to Reese's office or his own. Oh well no matter what she needed to go to his office to see what he wanted her to start on and if she ran into Jason well she'd have to sooner or later.

Sucking in a breath of confadince she drops her stuff at the cubicle before holding her head high and heading for Reese office. Giving a little wave to Susanna it was good to see she again and she smiles. Knocking on Reese door she enters.

   "Hey Reese, I'm back and just wanted to know where you wanted me to start..."

Seeing Jason to the one side Katie could feel the awkwardness grow inside of her. She hadn't mean to interrupt them and now she almost felt at a loss for words. She had to say something though and not just stand there.

   "Hi. Sorry to interrupt you guys. I can come back in a little bit if its a better time."

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