
Fly Away

Hoping up on the bed and sitting next to Hunter Katie looks down at her watch. It was only five thirty and she would guess Angel was waking but doubted she would be ready to see anyone till at least seven or eight. She'd hate to bother Angel way to much.

   "I think we should wait and hour or two. Unless you hit your head hard enough you have a concussion. Other than that I'd hate to bother her before her coffee."

Katie gives a small chuckle. She new Angel would never be mad at them for coming to see her and she would never be angry for the time of day but still Katie would feel a little bad if it was not an emergency.

Resting a hand on Hunter's back Katie gives a small smile even if wasn't. Giving it a small rub she is silent for a moment before finally standing and going to the window to look out. Seeing people moving around she new the ranch was coming to life. The same time, every day. For most people here this was life, a never ending vacation.

   "Want to head and get some coffee before work than a little later we can see Angel?"

Looking at Jared Grace smirks a little bit. She new this whole thing was silly but she was bound and determined to get this done and have Jared completely miserable. Not to mention she kind of wanted to swing herself. It had been a long time and she was ready to live that part of life she missed again.

   "I'm not going to drag you silly. That would just be mean, we are going to slowly make out way over there together."

Putting Jared's arm over her shoulder Grace helps him out of the car and lets him put most of his weight on her. It didn't bother her, she didn't complain or act like it was to much. Slowly making her way with Jared to the swings she lets him try to move his legs and when he couldn't she made the extra step for him till finally they where there.

   "Alright I told you it wasn't that far. Let see witch one will work."

Bring a finger from her free hand to her lips Grace thinks as she looks. Till finally she see a swing someone had throw over the bar to make it shorter. That one would work perfect.

   "Here we go this one will work. Now, no trying to fly away on me ok? I'm having way to much fun with you to let ya go now."

Giving a smile to Justin Beth takes the last sip of her own coffee. Standing she throws her strawberry stems out and than takes her bowl and cup to the sink. Rinsing them out she places them in the sink waiting to be cleaned. 

Justin's words of encouragement felt good. He just had a way of doing that. Taking the simplest of words and turning them into something that just made her smile no matter the situation. It was a talent he had and she loved it.

As Justin move closer to her Beth looks up into his eyes. She loved how they were so dark and yet sparkled. They had an alluring nature to them as well that Beth had noticed the first time she had met Justin. That was the one thing she could not escape seeing. 

   "Yes, you can!"

Beth can feel her heart pounding in her chest just from the though of Justin kissing her and she could feel herself get slightly nervous. It wasn't from fear though it was more from never kissing anyone before and her worry of doing it right. She didn't want to look silly infront of Justin.

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