
Time to

   "Or maybe...there is something wrong with your heart."

Katie reaches out her hand and lays it on Hunters. Her own fingers just gently running over him in a comforting matter. She felt bad for Hunter and couldn't imagine what he was feeling. But nightmares no matter who had them or what there were about were never fun and Katie new that first hand with Jason and living it with him. 

   "Maybe your dream is trying to tell you its time to forgive people in your past and move on before its to late and the whirlpool of emotions cause you to sink with no way of getting back out."

Sinking could of meant in liqueur, anger, wreaking the heart, or simply being unhappy for the rest of his life. Katie didn't know what we was trying to pin point or maybe she was pin pointing them all. But she need know that seeing the tired look in Hunter's eye he was wearing thin.

Sometimes Katie wondered why it was easier for her to give advice than take it. But somewhere alone the line Katie did know that she would have to take her own advice and ask for forgiveness from a few people she new too. but that would be saved for another day.

   "Why don't you go try and lay down and get some more sleep. We all get days off once a while. I'll even sit with you if you like. And no...I don't mind or I wouldn't have said it."

Giving a smile of her own as Jared gets his self turned around and is ready to go. Coming up behind him Grace starts to push forward. Going a little slow this time and just enjoying the day. Life was to short to always rush and Grace would always stand behind than.

Getting back to the house and grabbing the keys Grace helps Jared into the passager seat of the car. Going around to the drive side and getting in Grace takes in a deep breath. It stills smelled like a new car and she only could of guessed Jared took good care of it. 

   "Alright, lets fire this puppy up and see what she's got."

Turning the key and hearing the car growl Grace looks to Jared and gives a smile. She couldn't help the little bit of excitement she felt too. Almost like a little kid on Christmas. It sounded so nice and backing up it felt just as good.

   "Where to first my good sir?"

Hearing all the different fruit to choose from Beth can feel her stomach growl more than she had first expected. Going over and taking a look she goes for the strawberrys and pulls them out. Getting a bowl and putting some in it she returns the container before going to the table and sitting down.

   "Yeah I work till 12 tonight when the other bar tender comes in. I go in at six so its a short day for me. Not that a mind today."

Taking a bit of one of the strawberry's Beth gives a smile. It was tart followed by a nice sweetness. She always liked strawberrys and how the tart and sweetness went together. It almost reminded her of life a little bit too. How two things could go together when they were so different.

   "Do you have anyone to see today?"

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