

Watching Hunter and laughing Katie makes a dash for her own bunk. She didn't know if she would beat Hunter or not but trying would be fun. It at least was a little challenge and get them to hurry at the same time. Not that Katie didn't want to enjoy the shower too but the excitement of going riding seemed to over power that.

The shower wasn't nearly as long as Katie normal took but she didn't mind. Leaving her bunk and making a dash for the barn she was surprised to find it relatively empty. Looking around again she thought for sure Hunter would of made it here before her, but seeing he wasn't Katie gives a small chuckle.

Staring forward Katie is stopped by the arms that goes around her. Hearing Hunter's voice she and feeling herself being pushed against his chest Katie can't help the small chills she felt. Not struggling to get free Katie just leans her head back on Hunter's chest for a moment before tilting her head back to see him and smiling.

   "Rotten egg you are not. At least you don't smell like one anymore and neither do I soo...I guess I can go easy."

Finally moving a little so Katie could turn around and see Hunter her smile was bright and now that she was clean it seemed to be a little brighter without the dirt and grim to mask it. Searching Hunter's face something was different, maybe wrong but she wasn't sure what. Could it still just be a sign of Hunter being tired?

   "So we have some options for snacks. Go to the mess hall and get some veggies, or on our route of riding we can stop by the apple trees and pick some of them. I personally and voting for the apples."

 Getting a strange look for the lady behind the counter Grace didn't much care. She thought this was going to be fun and Jared was game for it so what anyone else thought really didn't matter. Finding a table and setting there stuff down it takes a few moments to carry the ice cream over but in no time they were settled and digging in.

Taking a lick of her spoon Grace chuckles her eyes giving a genuine sparkle that she was having fun. She liked Jared's company and she enjoyed watching him try new things and figure out what he liked to eat. It was fun and to her she was happy to be able to spend the time with Jared.

   "I have to day no I've never had anyone say that before. Not that I am over flowing with friends to start with but the few I do have, have never said anything. Now you have though so...I thank you. I'm happy you like my ideas."

Looking down at her bowl Grace's cheeks turn a slight red color. Why she was blushing she wasn't sure but Jared's comment had made her feel really good and flattered. Just knowing he was really enjoying himself and didn't think this whole thing was silly.

Caught somewhere between awake and sleep Beth's breathing becomes a little more heavy. She'd tossed and turned all night but never woke up. Her body now was still from tension as if she had been trying to shut something out but awaking did not come.

Feeling something wet on her face Beth's eyes slowly open. Seeing the two eyes looking straight back at her Beth gives a jump and sits up quickly giving a small little Shrek. Looking around quickly she tries to remember where she was. This was not her house...this was not her bed.

Slowly everything comes back to her as she remembers she had spend the night as Justin's and this was his couch. Looking doing at Danitza Beth trys to give a small smile and puts her hand down for the dog to smell. Giving her a pat on the head and a little rub behind the ears she relaxes just a little.

   "Hey Girl, sorry if I scared you, you just startled me too."

Swinning her feet around Beth stands and gives a stretch. Hearing someone in the kitchen Beth could guess it was Justin. Wondering into the kitchen she peeks around the corner before entering making sure it really was him.

   "Something sure does smell good."

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