

Katie's touch was soft, warm and oh so nice. Hunter slides his arm to rest over her waist as he closes his eyes and sighs with content. "I promised to behave," he mumbles. "Promised to behave... promised to behave."

Opening one eye, he gives Katie a wry grin before kissing her fingers as they pass near his lips. "I think the shadows are gone," he whispers. In reality, she apparently knew how to relax him all too well, and if he was gonna stick to his word, either she needed to stop or he needed to fall asleep fast.

Tightening his arm around her, he nuzzles his face in closer to hers and heaves another sigh. "Every time, I'm drowning in a black river." His voice is quiet... weary. "I never know how I got there but there's never a way out. I just fight for my life until I can't anymore."

He gives Katie a squeeze. "Maybe this time you'll be my life preserver." Warm and comfortable, he allows his eyes to slowly drift shut. Maybe if he could just keep his mind on something pleasant... like Katie... he could....

All too quickly, he's sound asleep, proving just how tired he really is...

It felt like it could have been hours, when in reality, it had been no more than ten minutes when Hunter's sleep was once again invaded by the dark images and terror. Though not lasting very long, it was enough to wake him with a jolt as he sits up quickly - too quickly, and too close to the edge of the bed. Slipping off the mattress, he lands with a thud on the floor, banging his head on the dresser.

Groaning, he manages to sit up and put a hand to his throbbing head. A curse slips out under his breath and he winces. "I'm losing my mind," he mutters.

Justin chuckles. "Yeah, some people get pretty silly. I had one old lady last week who said her computer just wouldn't do a thing. She'd unplugged it when she'd vacuumed the day before." He rolls his eyes before taking another sip of coffee.

Hearing Beth's comment about a job change, he raises his eyebrows, a bit surprised. She'd never mentioned this before, and it was pretty far out of her box to even be thinking about it. 

"Well, I'm sure you'd be good at a lot of things," he encourages. "Why do you want to change?" 

For a few moments, Jared pretends he hadn't heard Grace. He really wasn't sure of that answer. He'd been trying to remember things for so long, and now all of a sudden it was as if he was trying not to. He didn't understand and he didn't like the way it felt. No, he wasn't okay. 

He slowly nods his head yes before finally turning to look out the windshield again. "Yeah, I'm fine," he fibs as his hands fiddle awkwardly in his lap. "Just feels weird being in here, ya know? My car but I don't even recognize it." 

Forcing a smile to the surface, he shakes his head. "Hit me over the head a few times and I'll always think I've got a new car. Keeps a guy happy." 


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