

Hunter nods and stands up after pulling on his boots. "Yeah... coffee sounds good. That'll at least keep me going for a while." 

Giving Katie a wry grin, he slings an arm over her shoulder, leading her to the door. "Thanks for putting up with me. I really am enjoying being here." 

Pausing at the door, he looks down at her and bites his lip. It had been a long time since he'd had anyone care about him as much as she seemed to. It was... nice. He felt worth something and maybe that was something he hadn't even realized he'd been missing. Leaning closer to her, he places a soft kiss on her cheek. 

Opening the door for her, he lets her out first then follows. "Wanna go riding again today?"

Slowly making the short trek to the swings, Jared would never admit how scary this was. He was sure at any moment he was going to topple over and hurt both him and Grace. He hadn't had much practice trying to stand on his own, let along walk, so even with hanging on to Grace, his legs didn't want to cooperate very well. 

Thankfully, Grace was as patient as always and Jared made the effort not to complain even when it hurt. Once reaching the swingset, he leans on the poles, holding himself up for a few moments to catch his breath. His lower back and legs ached just from that short distance, but in a way... it kind of felt good. At least he was starting to be able to move his legs a little more and that helped. 

Shaking his head and just grinning at Grace's enthusiasm, how could he refuse? With her help again, he gets seated on the swing that was just high enough that his feet wouldn't drag on the ground. He laughs at her comment and rolls his eyes. "I hardly think I'm ready to fly." 

Looking down at his limp legs, he sighs. Gritting his teeth he slowly, slowly succeeds in moving his lower legs back and forth just enough to give the swing a little bit of motion. Maybe... just maybe he really would walk again. 

He glances up at Grace, a proud little smile on his lips. Even if they'd quit therapy earlier, he felt much more accomplished doing something like this and actually seeing the improvement from when he'd started out. He wouldn't have thought he'd be able to make it all the way over here, let alone be able to move his legs at all after all that. But he could... and it made him just a little bit excited. 

"Okay..." Moving his upper body back and forth, he starts the swing - it would take a while to get up any speed, but this, he could do. "Get out of my way," he teases, "I'm preparing for takeoff." 

Seeing the shyness in Beth's eyes, Justin smiles. Her enthusiastic kiss the other night at the coffee shop must have been a rare occurrence - only now did he wonder if perhaps it had been a bit of a shock to her, causing her to not want to try that again yet, even if she'd liked it. And he didn't mind. He'd enjoyed her passion in that first kiss, but he knew now - seeing this look in her eyes - that taking things slow was the best route. And maybe one day in the not-so-far future, he'd receive that same passion again and be allowed to return it as well. For now though, that little blush in her cheeks was cute and he wouldn't spoil it by trying for another deep kiss. 

Resting his palm on her cheek, he leans down slowly and lets a very tender kiss linger on her lips for just a moment or two before pulling back. "Good morning." 

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