
In the middle

Destiny's hand brushing against Chance's causes his eyes to fall shut for a moment though she doesn't see. Turning quickly back to the sink, he keeps his sights down, not really sure what to say now. They had kissed. But it wasn't like it was anything serious. It was just... just a kiss. Heat of the moment type thing, right? Sure, he'd liked it - who wouldn't? It didn't mean there was anything more to it than that... right?

Hearing Destiny's voice, he's brought back to what he was doing, realizing that the sink was almost full and quickly shutting off the water? "Hmm? Oh... yeah... I was in a pretty fast-paced area. Got a nice apartment... lots of city traffic. Not the sleepy side like it is around here. Back there it's get up and go, get to work, go go go, then back home and out for a night on the town."

He chuckles as he scrubs a plate, rinses and hands it to her. "It's weird not having that routine. I mean... sitting around here... it's like... not sure what to do with myself." He pauses, scraping away at a stubborn spot on a bowl. "Other than watching you and that undercover business of course. Which reminds me... I gotta meet up with a guy in a few days - figure I might have Reese get someone to come over here so I can take off for a couple hours. Don't want you in the middle of anything."

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