
I'll pretend

Alec looks both ways before heading across the lower level foyer. Getting to the first pillar, he watches the far camera sweep the room. Just as its focus reaches the other end, Alec counts to ten then walks at a medium pace to the bottom stairs. Stopping and counting to fifteen, he then heads up the stairs, stops, counts again, then heads down the hall.

Meeting him halfway was Ty, having been to work for only a couple hours. Nodding, then giving each other a high-five as they pass, in Alec's hand is now a security key card. Aiming for the main floor, he takes a look around, spotting the camera in the far corner. Dropping to his hands and knees, he crawls along the right hand side of cubicles, counting as he goes, until he reaches the end. Waiting until he'd reached thirty, he then makes it through the doorway before the camera ever catches him. It helped when someone had already figured out the exact timing pattern to be able to get out of the building without detection.

Once outside, Alec heads to an Elite vehicle and within minutes, it was hotwired so he could drive across town. And half an hour later, he, Eli and Ryan were in the garage with Roth's car.

Eli put down another strip of tape around the window, sealing the plastic. Some might think it impractical to be so particular about a paint job that would most likely be stripped within hours of its exposure. But Eli couldn't do half a job - it would be professional.

"Hey, Speedy, how's that tape over there coming? We ready to start painting or what?"

Alec fiddles around the headlights, making sure everything that needed to be covered was, though this really was out of his element. He was having to take directions from Eli, which was okay, but not something he was used to. At least Leo wasn't around tonight.

"Um..." Chance didn't like the thought of Destiny being out on the back porch by herself. There were enough cameras that no one could get past him, but by the time he got from the living room and out back, could be enough time for someone to nab her, or worse.

A few days ago, telling her no would have been no problem. But tonight... for some reason, it was just hard. He looks in her eye, wanting so badly to talk to her, but not having a clue what to even say.

"I could... bring my laptop out back with you," he suggests, even though it wasn't his ultimate. "That way you can get your fresh air and I can still keep an actual eye on you."

He knew it didn't sound so great - him needing to follow her around everywhere. It wasn't fair. If he were Reese, he would probably handle things differently, but... this was the way it was. He scrunches his nose a little in an apologetic look. "Sorry. I know you need "you time" too. You'll just have to put up with me a while longer. I'll pretend not to be there."

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