
"Did you mean it?

"Ok." Chance finally lowers his gaze and turns to head to the living room. "I'll get my laptop."

A few minutes later, he had turned on the light out back and was on the patio area, sitting in a chair with his feet propped up on a little stool. His laptop sat across his legs and he typed some, keeping an eye on Destiny as he read her book.

The silence was nice for a while - the only sound was his clicking keys or the turning of a page. A few insects buzzed around one of the lights, but they didn't bother the two much.

Eventually though, Chance's mind couldn't concentrate anymore. He had been concentrating for a while, typing, browsing, typing, sending messages and seeming to be in his own little world. But now as the hard stuff was done, his mind had started to wander. But it always came back to the same thing. He hated this weird little awkwardness that was between him and Destiny now. It wasn't terrible... not like they weren't speaking to each other or anything. But it was enough to make it feel strange and he didn't like it.

"Destiny..." He pauses, not wanting to sound stupid, or too bold. Fingering his laptop, he thinks for another moment or two. "Earlier... when we... um... in the living room." He chuckles softly, trying to remain casual about the whole thing. "Um, I just... I want to know... if you um..."

Pausing again, he felt pretty silly, stumbling over his words and sounding like an idiot. Finally, he closes his laptop and just asks flat out. "Did you mean it?"

Having Ryan lean over his shoulder and kiss his cheek, Alec grins. Turning his head, he brings one arm up and around Ryan's neck to keep her face next to his as he presses his lips to hers. "I'm glad I made it to. Been getting a little bit of help on escaping my prison, but... one of these days, I think Reese is gonna let me go."

"Hey, lovebirds, come on." Eli walks up behind them, swatting Ryan's behind with a towel. "Paint. Masks. Lemme show you guys how to get started. We're going pink."

Kyle shifts a little, settling back into the couch, his feet up on the coffee table and Alice's head in his lap. His fingers gently rub her forehead and run through her hair, back and forth absentmindedly as they enjoy the quiet. Everything had been happening so fast and was so chaotic that the quiet time with Alice was a nice break. Things with the band had been slightly delayed but nothing major - they just have a few more free days than planned, so getting places to stay was becoming more important.
Alice's suggestion comes as a pleasing one. "Hey, that's not a bad idea... if you don't mind sharing your space for a while. I know Twila would be thrilled - she's been a bit leery of finding her own place in a new town, even if she hasn't said so specifically. Not sure about Karla, but I have a feeling she'll be the same way."
Bending down over Alice's face, he puts a tender kiss on her lips. "I don't like leaving you at night," he admits. "I'm too used to saying goodnight and going to the next room over."

Hearing Rosetta, Mick's head snaps up. He'd fallen asleep in the chair in Angel's office, gaining a crick in his neck like he had the last few days. There hadn't been one normal night since BJ had had his accident - this was night number four and concern had risen to a height that no one was comfortable with.

But now having Rosetta call him, he's on his feet in an instant, his heart giving a leap in his chest. Walking quickly into the other room and seeing BJ's eyes open, relief like no other washes over him. With glossy eyes, he approaches the bed and sits down on the edge of it, running his hand through the boy's hair and down the side of his face. "Hey, kiddo," he greets softly. A smile comes to his lips. "How ya feeling?"

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