
To the chase

Continuing to sit with Scott on the floor rubbing his back with one hand, and slipping her own into his other Hope just lets Scott talk for a moment. If he at least talked to her a little bit than that was a start.

"Because Scott forgetting wont help you like you think. You want to get this to go away, you want to be your old self again right? Forgetting...is not the answer to that. It will only make it worse."

Letting out a small sigh Hope thinks for several long moments. It still hurt inside to see Scott like this, and she new till he was better the pain would not go away. She cared to much for him for it to just go away like that.

"I was going to head home now but if you want me to stay a little longer with you if only just to sit here, I will."

Misty gives a nod and a sweet smile that was followed by chuckle. She didn't want him to starve even if she new he wouldn't just from missing a meal.

"Ok, let me see if I can find any soup and crackers for you. I'll be right back."

Giving Alec's arm a pat Misty heads to the her desk putting a few things away she was working on and than make her way out of the infirmary.

Looking up at Reese from his cubicle that was hardly used Phinox gives a nod to Reese. He was always on call if Reese needed him and was happy to be helping out anyway he could.

"Sure, I'll go now and see what I can find out for you."

Grabbing a clip bored and some paper Phinox exits his cubicle and heads to the infermary clipbored in hand. Giving a smile and a nod to Misty as he passed her coming out as he was going in.

Moving over to the bed he grabs a chair and swings it around so he can drap his hands over the back. Giving a clear clear if his throat Phinox waists not time in telling why he was there.

"Hi Alec, don't need to introduce myself because you already know who I am so I should just get down to business. I need to get a statement from you on what happened when you were taken."

Phinox lets out a long breath looking up at Alec. He eyes lacked emotion though they weren't cold, but stone like they had been shaped by the world he had lived in for so long.

"I know you already answered Reese questions but now its time for me to take everything down again so I can write up a report later, and put on file. So if you can start at the top with what happened we can get this done and over with so I wont have to bother you anymore."

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