
So much

Ty gives a little wail, partly from surprise and partly from not wanting to hurt Libby. Somehow amidst the tangle, he winds up on his back once again, this time looking straight up into Libby's face.

Panting heavily, he could see her moving with his own breath as his abdomen moved up and down with air. "You twerp." Talking, however, was the wrong thing to do as some of Libby's stray strand of hair wind up in his mouth. Managing to spit them out, he blows the rest of the strands away from her face and out of the way.

"You think you got me, eh?" A playful glint sparkles in his eyes.

Strong enough from working out every day, even without the help of his captured hands, he manages a sit up, straining against Libby's hold and the gravity that held her on him. Once sitting up, his arms are free to twist from her grasp and wrap around her torso, holding her in his lap. "Mm... comfy," he teases, his face so closer to hers that their noses bump.

Giving a last heft of muscle, he knocks Libby over backward, letting himself be on top all over again. Folding his arms in so she couldn't hold his wrists, he crouches, trying to to squish all the air out of her. "So much for your upper hand."

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