

Ty puts his brakes on, but not fast enough, having not realized Libby was going to stop so quickly. Having her bump into him, he looks down into her eyes and grins, not caring that she was leaning back on him a little. Not even thinking, his arms wrap around her teasingly but warmly, his eyes seeming to smile along with his lips.

"Sounds like a plan to me. But we gotta stop by the store on the way home and get some popcorn for when we watch the movies. That is an absolute must."

As if suddenly realizing jut what position they were in, a bit of color comes to his cheeks and he lets her go, putting his hands on her shoulders instead and clearing his throat. "Yeah so... lead the way." Pushing her the rest of the way through the door, he steers her by her shoulders and remains walking behind her so the heat in his face can subside by the time they get back to her pickup.

For one of the first times, Alec seems to have lost some of his bitter edge with Misty. He cringes a little as she checks him over, giving something close to a short laugh. "Yeah... fast healer. I'll show them. I highly doubt I'm like Carson though."

He shifts a little, trying to get comfortable. He hadn't had anything for the pain this morning since Reese had wanted him completely with it for their little questioning session. "You got anything to knock me out?" he mumbles. "Other than your hot looks?"

Scott hadn't been able to help it. He'd been so tired. He'd only drifted off fifteen minutes ago, but it had been enough, and the nightmare had returned. They didn't usually attack during the day, but after so little sleep last night, the images had seized their chance.

Jolting from his sleep, Scott's hands have the bed's blanket in a vice grip. But he wasn't in bed. Somehow he'd wound up on the floor - it was probably what had woken him. Shaking from head to toe, he was sweating and his heart was racing.

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