
More than you

Feeling Ty's arms go around her for a moment she just stood there not sure what to do next. It wasn't bad, and it didn't scare her but it was something she'd never had happen before not even from her parents so she wasn't sure what to do. But finally a wamth seems to wash over her, and it was a good warmth that made her feel wanted.

"Popcorn, I can defiantly deal with that."

Once Ty's hands slip from her shoulders Libby can feel her own cheeks turn a little red herself as she composes herself. Leading the way to her truck and getting in Libby gives a smile to Ty. Her cheeks were still a rosy color, but most of them time they were like that when she was around Ty.

Looking down at Alec after his comment Misty blinks for a moment just staring at him for a second. He did remind her of a younger version of Carson. Though it didnt knock her off guard for long it did bring a smile to her face.

"I think your more like him than you know."

Going over to the cabinet Misty looks for some of the lower dose of pain killers they had. Grabbing a few and than fill a paper cup with water she brings it back over to Alec and hands it to him.

"Can't knock you out with these but they will kill some of the pain for now. Do you want anything to eat? Doesn't look like you had anything this morning."

Glancing down at her watch Hope takes note to what time it was realizing she had been sitting there for longer than planed in depth in the book she had picked to read.

Standing and taking the book back to where she had gotten it from Hope gives a stretch. She should probably start heading home so she didn't over stay her welcome.

Heading back to Scott's room one more time before she went home. Knocking on the door and opening it slight Hope's heart stops when she see Scott on the floor. Worry over takes her as she slips in the rest of the and squats down next to Scott. Gently she reaches out to rub his back.

"Hey Scott...what happend? Are you ok?"

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