

Hunter returns Katie's kiss and chuckles, about to tell yer yes, they'd eaten everything, but he didn't get the chance. Watching BJ come racing down the hall, he grins. There he went again... one minute he was mature, and the next, Hunter would guess he was just a five-year-old. He wondered if he'd ever know just exactly what it was about the boy that caused that, but he probably wouldn't ever have the guts to ask. 

Smiling back at Katie, he gives her a wink. He knew she was going to call her boss today, and he really wanted to know what he's said, but... now was not the time. "We did think for a while there, we'd have to eat everything, but lucky for you, it's not ready yet." 

"Wasn't ready," Mick corrects as he walks in with the salad, setting it on the table. "Now it is." Giving Katie a smile, he nods to her. "Grab a seat, Rosetta's bringing the lasagna." 

It wasn't long before the family was all seated around the table. After Mick gave the prayer, food was passed and there were many murmurs of pleasure as Rosetta's lasagna was tasted. Even Hunter had to admit it had been a long time since he'd had any this good - if ever. 

Feeling quite comfortable sitting next to Katie, Hunter joins in the conversations, thoroughly enjoying himself... 

"So how's the knee feeling?" Mick asks Hunter in between bites.

Hunter wipes his mouth with his napkin and shrugs. "It's still connected to my leg. Nothing a good shot of bourbon wouldn't fix." The words had slipped out before he'd thought, and he smirks at himself for saying it. "But... I have come to the conclusion you run a dry camp around here."

Mick gains a quiet sort of smile. "We do."

Hunter hadn't dared to voice his question since being here, but he really was curious, and this seemed an okay atmosphere in which to ask. "So... why? I mean... just 'cause of visitors and stuff, or does everyone here hate the idea of having a bottle of beer in the fridge?"

Mick took no offense, knowing that Hunter might not realize the implications of that remark. He shakes his head slowly. "No, actually, a few people here enjoy a good beer every once in a while, or a glass of wine. But it's usually kept to dinner in town." Pausing, he studies Hunter's face. There were others here at the table, including BJ. But Mick had long since become comfortable with the topic, no matter who was present. "The reason we run a dry camp is because of me."

Hunter nibbles on his garlic bread, still not quite understanding. He wasn't trying to start anything - he was just confused. "You think alcohol is the devil's brew, huh?"

"Nope." Mick shakes his head again. "It's the people who abuse it that turn it into something bad - it's not bad in itself, just like anything." Letting another pause linger, he takes a sip of his water, sensing Hunter's curiosity but allowing the quiet for just a few moments. "There is no alcohol on this ranch because I've had problems with alcohol abuse."

Hunter blinks. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, he just never would have guessed it. "Seriously?"

Mick chuckles at Hunter's innocent surprise, even though the subject was quite serious. "Unfortunately, yes. I used to be a heavy drinker." His eyes briefly drift to Rosetta as he still feels the pangs of sorrow deep down. "I did a lot of things I'm not proud of while under the influence of alcohol. Getting drunk was my way to escape my problems."

By now, Hunter had shrunken back just a little in his chair. "But... you quit?"

"I did. After I sought help."

"Help? As in..."

"As in professional help." Mick was not fond of those memories. It had taken two separate stays at the McClain ranch to break his habit, and the second had been intertwined with Dylan's own drug use problems. "I left here and stayed at a place where they help people who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction through counseling and such. Took me twice and almost losing my family to get through it, but I eventually did."

Hunter now felt slightly embarrassed for bringing the subject up at all, although he didn't think badly of Mick. On the contrary, he probably respected him even more now. One, for actually being able to quit drinking. And two, for having guts enough to talk about it. Realizing his original comments though, Hunter bites his lip. "I'm sorry... if I would have known, I-"

"You're fine," Mick assures him. "I'm not offended if you're not."

"Well of course not."

"Good." Mick's smile returns as he picks up his fork to resume eating.

Hunter is alone with his thoughts for a moment before taking a bite of his bread. Glancing at Katie, his eyes bore a look of apology, and showed her his embarrassment, though slight. He wished he would have known about Mick's history... it would have explained a lot and left no need for his questions. Hopefully the conversation would move on.

Sensing the younger man's regret for bringing up the topic, Mick graciously starts another. "So BJ, how'd school go today?"

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