

Giving a big smile to Hunter there was a sense of pride there for BJ that he liked his truck. It was only a toy but to the small boy it meant everything. Picking up the truck again as Hunter rolls it back to him BJ looks down a few more minutes at it playing with the one lose door.


Looking up again with a big toothy smile BJ slips off the chair and hold the truck tight looking at Hunter again and than turning running down the hall letting his feet scuff on the floor aiming for his room disappearing inside.

   "Great, I'll see you Monday than. Thanks again Reese."

Hanging up the phone Katie lets out a small sigh and sinks down on her bed. She was happy about going back to work she missed work but there were so many other things that made her a little nervous about it too. One thing was seeing Jason again and wondering if it would be awkward.

Standing Katie new that Hunter, would be waiting for her over at Rosetta and Mick's so she better clean up. She could think though everything else later. Now was the time to enjoy the last few days with her family before she left and it was never a dull moment.

...Finished with her shower and her hair tied nicely back in a braid Katie was about to know on the door but stops rethinking it. Her Aunt surly would give her a little thump on the head if she didn't want right in when they had been expecting her.

Giving a small laugh to herself Katie opens the door and steps in. Being hit with the aroma of food she can feel she stomach growl. Taking off her shoes she steps in a little farther seeing Hunter sitting at the table.

   "Hey guys I'm here sorry I am late."

Coming up behind Hunter Katie wraps both her arms around him before coming to the front and giving him a small kiss on the lips.

   "Mmmm...you guys didn't eat everything did you?"


The voice shreaks from down the hall and all that can be seen is a blur before something hits her leg with great force. Looking down at BJ Katie can't help but smile and shake her head a little bit as he clings to her leg. 

Letting go of Hunter Katie brings her free hand down and ruffles his hair before squaring down to his level and giving his nose a little tap with her finger.

   "Hey there Bud, you didn't miss me did ya?"

BJ gives a strong nod of his head before looking back at Katie his eyes sparkling. For a child he had great deepth like his young eyes had seen much, and lost even more even if he didn't fully understand it. His eyes held innocents, and no concept of time, one minutes could feel like days and yet his eyes still had intelligence beyond his years, maybe even more than Katie would ever know.

  "Yes I did. I always miss you."

   "Ah, well I am here now so you don't have to ok?"

Looking back to Hunter Katie smiles at him. She really was happy he he to share this time with her and be with her family. She new Hunter wasn't close to his so being able to share this with him was a special thing.

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