
Wasn't any fun

Jason's vibrating phone in his pocket causes him to pry his eyes open. He'd been sacked out on the couch for at least an hour and was having a hard time waking up enough to realize it was his phone that had disturbed his sleep. Finally digging in his pocket, he retrieves his phone to check the message. 

Reading Misty's text, he was a little surprised to know she was feeling the baby already. Not that he was an expert, but his mom had been at least four months along before she'd mentioned any of Kaylee's activity, and he remembered her telling him that time frame was pretty normal. Perhaps he shouldn't be surprised about this baby though - it was Misty and Carson's, after all.

Realizing just how Misty had stated her message, he has to grin. He knew what she meant, but if anybody else read it, they'd think the baby was his. Yawning, he rolls over on his back and flips his phone open to reply. 

It had been his day off and he'd spent most of it doing yard work, laundry and grocery shopping. Since Misty had to work late, they'd just met for lunch and said they'd see each other tomorrow. Now it was late evening, and though unplanned, Jason wouldn't mind going over to Misty's - he wondered if Alec had already called it a night and if that's why she was perhaps bored. 

Sounds like fun. Give me a few mins.
I'll be over. 

Dragging himself from the couch, he trudges to his room to find a clean t-shirt, but leaves on his old faded and grass-stained jeans. After telling Trooper he'd be back, he slips on his sneakers and is out the door. 

It only takes a few minutes to get to Misty's, and the traffic lights were on his side. Pulling into the driveway, he sees Misty still on the porch and he smiles. Cutting the engine, he slides from his truck and ambles up the short sidewalk. Though awake, his eyes still held a sleepy look to them, his hair still just slightly matted from his nap.

Stepping up on the porch, he grins, leaning in close to Misty. "Just can't live without me, huh?" His eyes give her a teasing glint. He knew that was hardly the case, but it was fun to tease just the same. 

He leans a little closer, his lips tantalizingly closer to hers. "It wasn't any fun just me and Trooper anyway," he whispers. 

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