

The subject of flying brings a new twinkle to Hunter's eye. Whether this was the real him, or the guy back in Nevada was the real him, he did love to fly. And he was happy that Katie liked it too.

Giving Katie a returned squeeze, he starts walking with her again, his arm still over her shoulders... and liking it there. There really was something special about her. She was so different than anybody else he knew. She had her problems... she was going through a tough time... and yet... she had a big enough heart to care about him at the same time. And that was something to be appreciated and respected. 

The rest of the walk back into the ranchyard was quiet, but Hunter was okay with that. He was just as glad that nothing more was said about his character, although the only bad part was that his mind had way too much time to wander now. He tried not to let it though. He was here to clear his head, not clutter it with unwanted thoughts. 

Nearing the buildings, Hunter pauses their steps to finally let Katie go. "I better get myself cleaned up a bit before supper... I'll find you shortly, okay?" Brushing her cheek with a finger, he winks before backing away and finally turning to head to his bunkhouse. 

"Oh, Katie, there you are." Eric wanders out of the barn while coiling up a leadrope. "Every time I see you I forget.... Jason called earlier today. Said he got your text and he was glad to hear your dad was gonna be okay."

How come Misty could read him so well? It didn't seem fair, and Alec felt just a little lower for trying to lie about his hunger. He just hadn't wanted to bother her anymore was all. It was getting late and he didn't want to keep her from bed or anything.

Following her silent order to follow her, Alec obeys tucking his throbbing hand close to his side. Watching her warm up the pizza and wings, his stomach finally growls, as if giving him its own reminder not to neglect it.

Leaning on the kitchen counter and listening, he tries to figure out where she's going with her train of thought. When she gets there though, he can't help the look of surprise that crosses his face. Barely noticing the food that's set in front of him, he just stares at Misty for the longest time, truly shocked she would offer something like that.

"I... I don't know what to say," he admits. Swallowing, he finds a lump has risen in his throat. Behind his eyes burned the heat of unexplainable tears that for some reason wanted to fall - it was a confusing and disliked feeling.

He'd only been there a few days. How could Misty trust him this much? How could she offer him this much? How could she go out on a limb for him like this? It just didn't make any sense at all. He was worthless. A troublemaker. Yet she was trying to help him out even more? Why?

Still staring at her, he shakes his head slowly. "I just don't understand why you're doing this," he responds quietly. "I know you said I'm family but..." He shrugs lamely. "I don't deserve to be here at all, let alone be able to... to stay."

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