
Pain Killers

Heading home Misty does her best to keep her mind on the road but its hard not to think about the night, and Jason. They had something special going on here, and even if it only lasted a day Misty was glad. Something in the back of her mind though told her this was not the only day and the end. This...this was just the start.

Getting home and seeing some of the lights on Misty new that must mean Alec was still awake. Entering the house Misty sets her keys and purse on the table in the hall.

   "Alec, I'm back."

Heading down the hall and to the kitchen Misty pokes her head in. Not seeing anyone she goes to the living room but it was still empty. Seeing the bathroom light shining through the open door Misty heads down the hall again. Giving a little knock she enters.

   "Alec...are you in here? Is everything ok?"

Seeing some of the bloody towels on the counter Misty's heart starts to race a little as she steps in farther to the bathroom. Seeing Alec sitting on the tub and a small pool of blood below him Misty doesn't even skin a beat coming over to him.

Taking his hand in her own she removes the paper tows to look at the deep wound. Seeing how deep it was and knowing he had, had a previous injury to that hand Misty is quick to take action. Turning around to under the kitchen sink she pulls out a first aid kit. There was a few things inside she would need but not everything. Taking out some gauze pads she rips them open and than press them hard to his hand before standing.

   "I need you to hold that there very tightly even if it hurts ok. I'll be right back."

Leaving the bathroom and going to the kitchen quickly Misty opens the cubord pulling out a bottle of liqueur. Moving to another drawr she pulls out a package needle and some thick thread. Returning to the bathroom she sets the items down before handing the bottle to Alec for him to take a drink.

   "For the pain. I am going to have to stitch it up so it stops bleeding and so it doesn't get infected. I don't keep pain killers in the house though so thats gonna have to work. How did you get this?"

Continuing to work and prepare things Misty takes the bottle back from Alec pouring a little of the liquid over the needle to make sure it was extra clean, and than pouring it over the cut as well. She new it would hurt like no tomorrow but it had to be cleaned before she could stitch it up.

Handing the bottle back to Alec Misty sets to work keeping his hand still on her knee with part of her arm and using her free hands to start stitching it up.

Hearing the slight hesitation in Hunter voice Katie looks to him studying his face for a long moment as they walked. She couldn't help but this that maybe there was more than what he was saying. He had everything he wanted, but no one had everything they wanted and it was just look longing look in his eyes that proved that there was some dreams even if he didn't want to talk about it.

Letting it go for now Katie new maybe it was a sensitive subject thinking about to when she first met Hunter. From what she new he and Kyle had been pretty good friends but that night there were not two friends standing there. They were so far away from that it was such a cold look in there eyes.

   "Nobody has everything they want. There are always desires in our hearts, just sometimes...we don't like thinking about it."

Continuing to walk and hearing Hunter's comment about her being a true friend Katie can't help but smile even more. Pulling Hunter a little closer to her he really did make her feel good and it was nice to know that someone really though she was worth something.

   "It makes me feel good to hear you say that. You've been a pretty great friend since we met, you mean a lot to me...so thanks for showing me there are people who still care."

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