
Lack of a Connection

Misty rolls her eyes and stands throwing the rest of the bloody items in the garbage. If Alec's hadn't hurt his hand she would of wackes him over the head.

   "First rule about living here....don't lie. Nothing ever good comes out of it. No matter what its about, how mad someone will get, or how it might them lieing will only make it worse. Got it?"

Washing her hands at the sink Misty drys them before heading out of the kitchen and motioning for Alec to follow. Reaching into the fridge Misty pulls out the pizza box along with some of the wings. She was happy Alec was here of these left overs would just go to wast. There was no way she could eat it on her own.

   "So I was thinking, if we can get that old shed out back cleaned up, some of the fixtures fixed we would turn it into a little apartment. There is a little bathroom in it already, and a kitchen. When we moved in I think at one point it had been used as a shop of some sort. Anyways its not being used now and its a shame to let it go to wast."

Placing the pizza onto a plate and popping it into the microwave. Turning and leaning on the counter she looks at Alec. Today she had, had a great day and she had done a lot of thinking before going out. She just couldn't help her good mood seemed to flow over.

   "I figure since I can't give you the extra bedroom because I'll need it for the baby, not to mention you might want you own place. We could fix it up for you. For now you can continue to work around here for me, and fix that up for yourself as well as payment and than once you get on your feet and find a job we can talk about rent. Sound like a good idea?"

Taking the plate from the microwave Misty sets the steaming plate down in front of Alec with a smile. She liked having him around and was not in a hurry to get rid of him. She wanted him to know he could stay as long as he wanted to because it didn't bother her one bit. It was rather nice knowing there was a man close by in case anything was to happen.

Giving another smile to Hunter Katie just lets the conversation move on. She new it was probley a hard think to swallow what she said and some times she opened her mouth when she shouldn't but what she said was meant to be more of a complement than anything else.

   "Well now we can't have that can we...than we wont be able to fly anymore."

Tightening her arm around Hunter a little more in a hug Katie starts to walk again. There was something, maybe it was the only thing about Hunter she couldn't put her finger on but there was something that made her like him, but much different than she had with Jason. Maybe it was the lack of a connection with Hunter so for the first time she got to feel what a normal person would feel.

The thought in a way was sad but at the same time it wasn't because it made her feel that much different about Hunter and where they were headed. All she new she enjoyed his company, liked how he made her feel and felt safe.

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