

Cassy's smile grows at Leo's comment. She didn't get complements often but it felt nice when Leo gave them to her. Taking a few steps back of her own Cassy gives a smile knowing it was time for him to go.

"Alright you drive safe."

Taking a few steps with Leo twords the door Cassy stops and gives a look around herself. Her heart wanted to sing for joy everything was finally finished but at the same time her heart sank knowing everything was done and Leo wouldn't be around as much.

"It's kind of sad and happy at the same time you know. I'll be able to start class soon, but you wont be around as much. I really did get use to your company."

Looking at Leo Cassy gives a smile. They all had to move on though and she new Leo's time was done here so he would have to move on too it was just a little sad.

"Good memories I will hold though. Don't be a strange and you can call me too ok? Take care Leo and remember...I'm here for ya if you need me."

Sitting with Jason while he eats Katie can't help but laugh at fill knowing it was all in fun. They were all like a close knit family, looking out for each other, teasing eachother, and just having fun.

Once people started coming and Katie said prayers with the guys She takes her normal post to one side of the stage. Her lock out as always keeping her eyes open.

Knock em dead tiger...

Sitting in the Jeep with Kyle Alice looks over to given. Just watching him for a long moment she could still see his nerves were running high. She couldn't blame him it had been a long time but she new things were gonna be ok too.

"How about...middle, and than we can go say hi afterward."

Leaning over a little Alice rests her hand on Kyle's arm a smile on her lips. Things would be ok, and his family would be happy to see him she just new it.

"You know even if your in the back, That bodyguard of Jason's will probably spot you before anyone else. They are gonna be happy to see ya Kyle, I know they will. Your not alone ether, you got us all with you."

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