
Could it be

Giving a nod and smiling Alice gets out of the jeep and goes to the other side to join Kyle. She'd be there with him and so would the others. She new God had this in his plan, it was his time they came back and thats why they were here. This would turn out just fine.

Entering the building and staying close to Kyle Alice makes her way through the crowds making sure her seat was next to him. Watching JetStream up on stage the sounded good if not better than the last time she had heard them. There was a new rhythm about them without Kyle yet they still held true to who they always had been and there sound.

Scanning the area as the music starts to play Katie gives it a once over. Everything seemed alright for now witch she was pleased of. The safety of JetStream and Jason was always important to her and her main focus at a concert. Enjoying the music was the added incentive.

Leaning against the wall and watching the stage for a moment Katie enjoys the music and the feelings Jason gave off while he played. It was a nice feeling for sure. Moments go by and Katie scans the area again this time though she straightens just a little seeing someone she thought she new but had to look harder. She hadn't seen him in so long nor had she herd he was in town.

Seeing Kyle bring his finger to his lips a smile spreads big on Kaite's face as her own emotions take a slight slight shift, and her heart beat picks up a little. It was Kyle, and he was here. Though her emotions did sift Katie had gotten the signal and new Kyle must of wanted to surprise the others so no message was passed to Jason that he was here, not yet anyways.

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