
Don't tell

"Yeah, I'll be around." Leo gives a little laugh. "I still wanna come to your opening too and... whenever you want to practice or whatever...." He shrugs, not sure how to say he was available without making it sound like he wanted to be here all the time. Not that he didn't, he just....

He shakes his head a little, clearing his rampant thoughts. "Yeah."

Ambling over to the bench, he puts his sneakers on and looks around, making sure he had everything. Saying a quick goodbye, he heads out into the evening air, aiming for his car. Once there, he turns around and looks at the building once more. It was far from goodbye... he could feel it. His job as handyman was over... for now. But he'd be back... this wasn't a friendship that would be over just because there weren't any more toilets to fix right now.

Kyle takes a deep breath and nods. "Yeah... yeah, Katie's got the eyes of a hawk and so does Jason. Can't escape an Elite agent's eyes no matter how hard you try."

Psyching himself up for another moment or two, he finally opens the door. "Alright... you win, we sit in the middle."

Getting out of the jeep, he and Alice are joined by the others, who had far less tension than he did. They were all just excited to be out and about and at a fun little concert. Making their way inside the building, the small group filters into the crowd. Kyle had waited long enough that they could hear the first song starting. Paying their way and giving a little extra for the charity, the group wanders through the next set of doors into the darkened auditorium. Sure enough, the concert had already started. There wasn't an overwhelming number of free seats, but enough that they would be able to sit close to each other, just not all in one group.

The hands of time,
Spinning, spinning.
The hands of time,
Stop for no one.
The hands of time,
Spinning, spinning,
Can you stop it?
No one can.

Hop on board the wheel of time,
Let it take you 'round once more.
Carry you through present now,
The future waits to take a bow.

Heading off to the side, his hand in Alice's, Kyle glances down front, spotting Phil, Jason and Mike onstage. Jason sounded as good as ever, and so did the other two. It was different without a keyboard, but they were doing well with a nice upbeat song to kick off the night right. A small lump rises in Kyle's throat. Over a year... over a year since he'd been onstage with them as JetStream. There had been a lot of bad feelings when he'd been caught between them and Cryptic. But now... would it be different? Would they accept him now, even though he had his own band starting up? Phil looked so relaxed - he'd gotten even better on the bass, and Mike was going to town on the drums. It felt good to be back.

The hands of time,
Circling, circling.
The hands of time,
Never cease.
The hands of time,
Circling, circling,
Going by,
Faster still.

Hop on board the wheel of time,
Let it take you far today.
Carry you through what is now,
The future waits to take a bow.

The hands of time,
Twisting, twisting.
The hands of time,
Lost in space.
The hands of time,
Twisting, twisting,
All is gone now.
It's the past.

Can't stop time, can't make it brake.
Can't take away the time of day.
Can't look now, already it's gone.
Can't stop time, can't go back.

Realizing he was blocking traffic, Kyle moves again, making sure Alice is still close to him. Sliding in front of an empty seat, he stays standing, along with many others, so he could still see well. As he moves over, his line of sight shoots straight down to the side of the stage and he sees Katie. For an instant, no other bodies blocked his view. His stomach gives a little lurch.

Hop on board the wheel of time,
Let it take you 'round once more.
Hop on board the wheel of time,
Open up your arms and soar.
Hop on board the wheel of time,
Go find what it is, you're looking for.

"Please don't tell Jason I'm here yet," he whispers under his breath. The music was loud, the lights were bright and there was typical concert chaos going on. But while there was still time, Kyle brings a finger to his lips, hoping that if Katie could even see him from that distance and would actually recognize him, that she wouldn't blow his cover yet.

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