

Too engrossed in kissing Whitney, Kip doesn't even hear Karla's first call to him. Leaned back against the wall, he seems to melt as Whitney's fingers run through his hair and wrap around the back of his neck. She always did know just how to keep him from saying no.

Suddenly though, Kip's ears catch Karla's voice. Yanked back into reality, his eyes fly open just in time for his peripheral vision to catch her disappearing back around the corner. Pulling away from the kiss, he stares at Whitney for a moment, catching his breath. He moves to walk away, but she holds him in place, her eyes giving him a sly warning glance.

"Come now, Kip. Don't tell me you're embarrassed to be caught by that little girl."

Kip's face grows hotter and he bites his lip. "Let me go, Whitney, c'mon."

"Aw, that's all I get? You're moving out of state, and all I get is one measly kiss?" She tugs at his shirt collar. "Come to my place tonight and you can have more than that."

Kip swallows hard. "I... I can't. I mean... I... I shouldn't... and...."

"And what? You might get punished? You're such a baby." Whitney's finger runs down the side of his face and she flashes him a smile. "You know... you don't have to go at all. You could still get out from under these stuffy fussbuckets, but you don't have to move that far away. You could just come to my place. I won't hold you back with all the silly little rules that keep you from having the fun you really want." She leans in and gives his lips another tantalizing kiss.

Kip gropes the garage wall with his hands, trying to move away again, torn between leaving and enjoying another kiss. "Umm-mm," he tries to say no as she kisses him. "I gotta... I gotta go. It's... I want to."

"And leave me behind?" She pouts again, giving him puppydog eyes.

Kip's eyes fall to the ground. Why couldn't he just tell her no? He'd never been able to. Those eyes... that voice... everything about her just seemed to grab hold and not let go. "I... I'm sorry."

"Prove it." Whitney moves in again.

This time though, Kip ducks out from under her arms and backs away. "I have to go. They're... they're looking for me."

"And you don't want Erik to catch you and slap your wrist." Whitney crosses her arms in irritation. "Fine. But don't expect me to wait around for you, Kip. There's plenty of other fish in the sea, most of which would love to be in your shoes."

Kip was sure she was right. He also knew there was no way she wasn't seeing other guys even now. He opens his mouth to say something, but then clamps it shut again, feeling utterly stupid. His face still red, he turns around and skirts back around the corner of the garage in sight of the house.

Looking around, he searches to see if anyone was back out here or not. He knew Whitney would probably find her way out like she normally did, so he doesn't look back. As his eyes ricochet around the property, they stop dead at the house porch, catching sight of Karla. His stomach lurches with guilt.

Seeing that she was just ready to go inside, he suddenly doesn't want her to. He didn't want Erik to find out Whitney had been here again, let alone anyone else. There were enough mixed feelings toying with him right now that he didn't want to have to deal with a reprimand. Then there was Karla herself. Was there enough between them for her to be upset with him now? Unfortunately, there was only one way to find out, and the sooner the better. Waiting was the more risky of the two options he had.

Sprinting for the porch, Kip makes it to one end and vaults over the railing to land in several strides, sliding to a halt in front of the door. Out of breath, he stares at Karla, seeing now the confusion in her eye and feeling even more guilty than he already had. "Karla, I..."

He stops, feeling stupid again and his shoulders drop. What on earth was he supposed to say now? Did she even really care he'd been kissing Whitney?

"Um... I..." He reaches behind his head to run his fingers through his hair, still studying her gaze and finding more than confusion. There was hurt as well. "Please... don't go inside yet," he asks lamely.

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