

Listing to Kip speak makes Karla smile a little despite the mood. His words were nice, and kind and she new they were meant to make her feel better. In a little way they did to an existent. It was nice hearing she was special when Kip had met her even if she hadnt felt it one bit it was just nice to have someone see her like that.

Shifting on the bed again a little Karla looks up at Kip and trys to give a small smile again. She did need time and she happy Kip understood that and was willing to give it to her. If anything was to go farther that was an important factor giving each other time when they needed it.

"I still want to be friends to Kip. Your the best one I got, and thats not something to forget easily."

Moving her eyes to his hand that was still resting on her leg from where he patted it Karla looks up at him again searching his face for a moment. What would happen later down the road Karla didn't know. How much time would she need, she could only guess not long but she didn't want to make any promise. Resting her hand on top of his for a moment she smiles again.

"Anything else that happens, we will have to wait and see what lies around the bend. No matter what though you'll be my best friend."

Heading out of the hospetil like she had so many times before a tall athletic looking woman simply stops taking in the fresh air of the afternoon. She'd stayed here longer than normal today but her sister needed her and she wasn't about to just leave her there. Now she had calmed down though and the woman had promised to be back tomorrow.

Weaving in and out of some of the cars the woman finally get to her own only to stop short as a pare of legs and half of someone's body sticks out from under it. Rolling her eyes at herself and wondering what on earth was going on the woman leans against the car for a moment just eyeing the man that was sticking out from under her car before finally saying something.

"Do I want to know what your doing under my car? If your hoping I'll run over you its kind of hard to miss you sticking out there."

The woman's voice wasn't cold, but it lacked a certain ton as well that came off maybe a little to sarcastic. She hadn't ment it that way it just had been a long day already and she still had to go into work explaining why she was late. Whatever the reason was it was to late to take it back now and she could only hope this person under her car could take it in good humor and not give her to much guff.

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