

Alec swings his head around to Misty, his eyebrow still quirked. "Mmm....yeah... yeah, I guess she is." He nods, then snickers. "Gotta be careful with wildcats - they got claws. 'Course... not as dangerous as them dogs."

He grows solemn again and shakes his head. "Hate 'em ya know. Ever since I's little. I's only six years old, but I remember it. Had to go to the hospital and everything after that neighbor's dog attacked me." He grimaces. "It was kinda nasty."

Leo smiles as Cassy takes his hands and he backs up onto the floor. "Yes."

Hearing the music that was still playing from her earlier practice, Leo starts to sway a little, then begins to dance slowly with her. He could do a lot more, but he didn't, just letting Cassy do her best as he stayed close, always keeping at least one hand in hers. Though taking the lead for speed and style, he let her fill in whatever she wanted.

Slowly turning and spinning around, their movements were reflected in the mirrors. Leo wasn't in his preferred attire for dancing, but since the new floor wasn't down yet, his sneakers would suffice, and his jeans kept him from doing anything too crazy.

Watching Cassy as she spun slowly under his hand, he smiles at her. It was good to see her so determined to keep dancing. In a way, he was proud of her.

As the music builds, he ventures some stronger moves, careful not to push Cassy too far. And with the rise in music, Leo's hands move to her waist to pick her up as he turns, never breaking eye contact as he slowly spins then ever so gently sets her down once more. And the music begins to fade.

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