

Once alone in the living room Ryan just continuing to sit. What was she going to do? What kind of mess did she get herself into? Now she had to choose...

Looking over at the phone Ryan reaches for it. Holding it in her hand for a moment she dials Leo's number but hands up on the first ring leaning her head back against the couch. She had to do this, she had to call him. Dialing his number again Ryan waits this time till she hears Leo's voice on the other her.

"Hey there! Sorry to be calling so late, I was just wondering if tomorrow you'd like to set up lunch or dinner together?"

Picking at her jeans once again Ryan's heart seemed to thump. Leo was such a good guy she didn't want to hurt him, and some how she new ether she stayed or went, she'd end up hurting him anyways. He deserved better than this, than her.

Seeing the look in Jade's eyes Katie wanted to question it. What was this look she saw in her friend, it was something far more than happiness. Glancing down to see her finger Katie looks up at Jade again quickly her eyes wide, a smile making its way to her face.

Letting out a squeal Katie grabs her friend in a big bear hug holding her. This was such exciting new Katie could explain how happy she was for Jade, and Dan. Pulling away a little pit Katie takes Jade's hand in her own looking at the ring more closely.

"Oh wow...thats so pretty Jade. What did this happen?"

Watching Katie and Jade some more he can't help the feeling he had inside. He was so happy that they were happy it really was something hard to explain. But knowing her friends were excited made him feel good.

Glancing at Clint and Jason seeing the look on there faces, Dan's own lips turn into a grin. Giving a nod and feeling a little heat come to her face Dan rolls his eyes and thumbs to the girls humor laced in his voice.


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