

Alec's words hitting her once more send the wave of flutters and emotions through her. A grin forms on her lips as the flame and fire flickers in her eyes a little brighter.

Feeling his finger run along her face, they were gentile this time. Much differnt from the last few, but still inviting that send a chill along her spin. As Alec pulls her closer to him Ryan looks into his eyes for a long moment till finally her own fall shut. Feeling his lips on her own, send the electric shock through her as she return the kiss.

Pulling away a little Ryan's lips curl in a grin. It was sweet of Alec to let her have on last memoir of himself.

"Thank you, its a good memorie to have. I couldn't think of a better one."

Giving another smile Ryan looks down taking Alec's hand in her own giving it a gentile squeeze for a moment before letting it go. Leaning in Ryan gives him another kiss on the lips not letting it linger to long or she new they would never make it inside.

"I don't think I could ever forget you."

Turning where Ty told her to Libby gives a smile and a side long glance to him. He was so sweet, and Libby was thankful for that. Having a friend who didn't think any differently of her for this, who wouldnt shy away at trouble it was nice knowing he was there.

"Your house for a little bit sounds like a plan to me. Just lead the way, and I shall follow."

Libby gives a laugh as a smile comes to her face again. Going to Ty's would be nice, it would get her mind off everything and than when he left for work she could go home, and she could only hope thinks would be calmed down by than.

"Thank you by the way Ty."

Hearing what Ryder had said Thirteen sits up from her leaning position just looking at Ryder for a long moment. Searching his eyes she looked for the truth in them. Finding it, find what she was looking for a smile spreads on Thirteens. Bigger than it had been in a long while. She new what Ryder said was true.

Bringing her hand to the side of his face Thirteen runs her finder along his cheek bone, and along his jaw. Mapping over his face, memorizing this moment in time, because she never wanted to forget it.

"Thank you!"

He'd made her feel so good, her eyes seemed to beam through the darkness. If asked Thirteen wouldn't have choose anyone else to have said it first. And though she never felt love before, not that she could remember but the the of her father..this felt different.

With Ryder it was the emotions that drover her on. This warm feeling she had when he looked at her and touched her. Thirteen new..this was love, the undescribable feeling.

"Ryder...I...I love you too."

Bringing her face close to his Thirteen's arms wrap around his neck just draping over his shoulders as she brings her face close to his. Looking into his never ending eyes that bore his soul Thirteen's eyes slipped closed. Her heart pounding in her chest, as her lips met Ryder's for what felt like...the first time again.

Don't be

Alec can't help just a little surprise at Ryan's insistence on going in with him. His eyes follow her hand as she cuts the motor and takes the keys, moving up to meet her own eyes once more. Not alone anymore... what did it mean? It was hard for him to remember a time when he hadn't felt alone. Despite Agency camaraderie or women, he'd always been a loner, feeling doomed to always be that way. Had he been in this same position a year ago, he would have been told to face the music himself and gotten a kick in the rear on his way. It's how he learned to be tough... to be indestructible. And now...

Reaching over, he turns his hand to run the backside of his fingers down the side of Ryan's face, tracing her cheek, then turning to brush over her lips. "You're either brave or stupid," he points out quietly. "But I see the flame." He stares into her eyes, searching, searching for her soul. "And I guess now I'm either brave or stupid too."

Leaning closer to Ryan, his hand moves to the back of her head as he kisses her lips, drinking in their sweetness one last time. Pulling away, he cocks his head just a little. "In case they won't let you come back," he explains. "I don't have anything else for you to remember me by."

"Don't be sorry." Ty doesn't answer Libby's question of where they were headed right away. He'd been silent as they'd slipped from the house and driven away, just letting her have her space. "I've been there and it sucks but it's not your fault so don't apologize."

He looks over at her, feeling badly for her situation and wishing he had a way to help. She was too sweet to deserve a homelife like that. But it wasn't his place to tell her what to do.

"Um... you can take me back to my place." He points at the next corner. "Turn here."

Getting to Wyatt's house and pulling in the drive, Ty makes note that Wyatt's jeep wasn't there yet - he was either still at work or off and gone to see Aerith. "I still got a couple hours before work," he muses. "If you don't feel like going home yet, you can come inside."

"Never?" Ryder squeezes Thirteen's fingers a little bit as she takes them in hers. He'd told Trent they might go walking around, but right now he was content just sitting here with Thirteen. If they didn't move an inch, he wouldn't mind. This whole thing.... it was about her, not him and he wouldn't push or pressure her or try and force her to cheer up when he knew it was so hard.

Moving his face down closer to hers, he kisses her forehead tenderly. "I guess I haven't done a very good job then," he muses quietly.

His arm around her tightens slightly. "You deserve a whole lot more than this world has given you. And I know it's your dad you want right now. But... but for what it's worth..."

He pauses, feeling his pulse pick up just a little bit. He'd only ever said these words to one other woman. But he knew it to be true now. "For what it's worth, I love you, Thirteen."

Alone no more

Not say anything in reply to Alec Ryan could feel a strange feeling that fluttered inside her stomach. Flutter? Nothing ever fluttered with her. But Alec's words they were, different sharp edges that stung the soul, but a soothing after burn.

As they made there way back to TJY Ryan couldn't help the faint grin that was on her lips. It wasnt as big as before, but it was there. And getting to TJY a whole new rush entered her veins. She was actually scared to go in there least be thrown behind bars herself. Hearing Alec's words though Ryan gave a small nod. They were admiral, they were pure and it was nice he would take the bunt of it all.

Finally her nod turns into a shake as she turns to look into Alec's eyes. She words came out strong as she felt what she meant in her soul.

"Your not alone anymore in this world Alec. We will go in and face it together."

Taking her seat belt off Ryan reaches over to turn the car of, and take the keys back from the ignition. She was going in there with Alec, Because he wasn't alone now. She was just as much at fault as he was.

Libby gives a nod taking Ty's hand to stand. She still felt horrible even if the look in Ty's eyes hadn't change though it did bring a little relief that this didn't change his mind about her.

"Yeah, its in the laundry room just down the hall. Follow me."

Poking her head out of her bedroom Libby can still hear the yelling, and crashing from the other end of the house. It was distant enough that she figured her mom and step father were in the bedroom.

Not wasting time and still holding Ty's hand Libby hurry down the hall before slipping into the laundry room on the right. Slipping out the door and heading right for the truck Libby gets in and lets out a long sigh. Leaning her head back against the seat she just breaths heavy for several moments.

After a few moments pass she new it was time to go least someone come out seeing her leaving, and start a whole new chain of events she had been through before.

Driving in silence for a few moments Libby finally glances over at Ty, giving him half a smile. She hated he had to see that, but she was happy she wasn't alone as well.

"I'm sorry you had to be a part of that. We could of avoided it but I..lost track of time because I was having fun."

Drawing silent again Libby's fingers just tap on the wheel. Where were they going? She didn know! Could they just drive and never stop? She only wished.

"So, where should we head now?"

Just leaning her head back into Ryder's chest Thirteen enjoyed just sitting there. Hearing his heart beat it was calm and almost hypnotic. Thirteen was so happy he was here with her.

"Time..when that time comes, I think its gonna feel mighty nice. I've never had anyone tell me they loved me before."

Finding his hand with her own Thirteen interlock hers with his own. Just stairing at his fingers there hands together a smiled formed on her face. Maybe, one day.

Slow learner

Alec stares out the windshield, the tension of the tug-o-war evident on his face. His jaw muscles tighten and release as his mind tries to work through all he was thinking and feeling. Though emotions weren't new, they had been forgotten and now that he was feeling them again, he wasn't quite sure what to do with them.

What was keeping him here? He hadn't responded, but he had heard the question. Without thinking, the words slip from his mouth, rolling as smoothly as a crystal rain, memorized to perfection.

"The power is not within the arms,
But in the eyes that burn with fire.
They steal the heart, entice the soul,
Leaving a warrior's cruel desire.

Not to chase or pursue the foe,
But bend to fate within her hand.
Look into her eyes just once,
And her will becomes command.

A warriors shield cannot defend,
What lies within the blazing eyes.
He's helpless on the battlefield,
Amidst the raging cries."

Pausing, Alec eventually turns to look at Ryan again. "I guess it has something to do with curiosity. Mama always told me not to touch the fire, especially the one in a woman's eye - but I guess I'm a slow learner."

Putting the car in gear, he turns it around and pulls back out onto the road, aimed for TJY. It only takes a couple minutes and he's parking again in front of the building. Letting it run, he takes his seatbelt off. "Don't come in. I'll take the wrath."

Suddenly interrupted by Libby's mom, Ty looks up from the floor, the scent of alcohol filling his nostrils. His eyes don't show much surprise, though on the inside, he was realizing that the situation here was much worse than he thought. From things Libby had said before, he'd known things weren't the greatest here... but he hadn't known they were quite like this.

His eyes move to Libby, not interrupting, but seeing the color in her face. He knew she must be mortified, and he felt badly - she didn't need to be... he knew this wasn't her fault.

Once her mom is gone and the shouting down the hall starts, Ty nods to Libby's suggestion of them leaving. For once, he was glad he didn't have a vehicle - without one, Libby was forced to leave with him.

Standing up, he offers her his hand. He asks no questions, makes no judgments and shows now embarrassment. "I assume you have a back door."

Ryder rubs Thirteen's arm, feeling pain for the sadness in her voice. It could have gone much worse - Trent could have disowned her completely. But Ryder knew it wasn't quite what she'd wanted.

"It's not that he doesn't want anything to do with you, Thirteen." His voice is soft but firm, trying to convince her. "He cares about you. If he didn't, he wouldn't have given you the time of day at all. It's just... he lost your mother... he lost you... Being here and talking with you - I'm sure it brings up a lot of memories that he didn't think he'd have to deal with anymore. He cares, but at the same time, he's in a great deal of pain."

He kisses the top of her head, wishing he had some magic words to make it all go away. "It's just gonna take time... just be yourself and he won't be able to help but love you. It's just gonna.... take time."


Continuing to watch Alec Ryan stays mostly quiet. Her own mind reeled with questions. So many that she didn't know where to start. Giving a small smile Ryan watches as Alec goes for the door. Part of her wanted him to go, to have his freedom, not be caged anymore...but part of her was releaved when he stayed as well. But seeing him not make a move again as if still trying to figure out what choose he should make.

"Stay or go Alec you need to make the choose...like now. If I have to face Reese wrath I'd like to do it sooner rather than later. Though I am going to face it no matter what because we already are late."

Turning a little to see him Ryan raises her eyebrows as she looks at him. That strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. The lack of understanding was there, she wanted to be able to walk away from Alec and not look back but now...now she didn't know if she really could.

"Whats holding you here Alec?"

Giving a loud laugh Libby can't help but throw her head back as she dies to Ty once again. He was right there were tied now, and one more game sounded like a great plane.

"Alright alright...one more ga...."

LIbby's words are cut off s she hears the house door slam making everything on her room walls shake. Spinning her head to the side where her dresser was Libby looked at the same. Almost four hours had passed and it only felt like fifteen minutes. Everyone would be home now, and all Libby could do was hold her breath hopping they wouldn't know they were there.

Looking to Ty Libby's eyes widen a little bit as she holds her finger to her lips as a signal not to make a sound. But with no amount of luck in a few moment's Libby's bedroom door flys open and her mom stumbles in. Her eyes glossed over, and a beer in her hand one could tell she had just gotten home but was already tanked.

Seeming to sky away into a sell Libby can feel the heat come to her face. One the inside hoping and seeming to plead that this wouldn't happen now.

Looking around Libby's room her mom's gaze was glossy and she could hardly stand up straght finding her daughter face though her eyes still remained vacant.

"I...told...yous...to do...do..house work."

Glancing back at her mother Libby's cheek turned red as she looked up at her mom again.

"It was Brad's turn to clean today Mom."

Taking a step forward her mom stumbles bit grabs for the wall steadying herself. In the process she rips one of the posters.

"I...I don't care who...t...turn it is...."

Libby's mom's eye dazed look to Ty.

"Who's that?"

"A friend.."

"A boy friend..."

"No, he's just a friend."

Hearing another should from the other room Libby cringes. She wished they were somewhere else. She wish she had payed attachen to the time better.

"BRENDA why isnt this house clean."

Her mom turns yelling back to her step father as she leaves the room. More commotion can be hurd, a lot of screaming and things breaking.

Libby jumps as a few more things break, keeping her eyes closed before looking over at Ty.

"Lets get out of here. We can have the try breaker another day, ok?"

Once Trent was gone Thirteen's face seemed to change. She tried to be so strong in front of him, not wanting to cause any more pain than it obviously already was just reliving a few of these things. Now she still wanted to be strong but her shoulders just didn't seem to sit as high.

Feeling Ryder's arm around Thirteen leans into him. Welcoming his comfort, his warmth soaking it all in while she could.

Turning her head a little to look up at Ryder Thirteen gives a little smile. She felt alot of things right now twords her dad, twords life..she had been hoping talking with her dad would of given her closure but now she just had more questions and a wish to know her mother. But it was something that would never happen so she would have to accept it.

"I'm...the best I can be. I've just gotta accept things now."

Thirteen lets out a long sigh.

"I guess...thats gonna be the hardest part. How come you think he still doesn't want anything to do with me? I can feel he doesn't, he didn't even ask me to come with him."

Lonesome prisoner

Alec seems to stop his thoughts for a moment as he just looks at Ryan. He cocks is head, his mouth almost showing a smile. "Be careful how you say things," he warns. "I might get the impression that you want me around for more than a sandwich or a periodic kiss. I might think you want a relationship or something."

Figuring that was far from the truth, the smile comes out. She maybe cared a bit for a lonesome prisoner, and it was apparent she liked the physical attention, but Alec found it hard to believe that it went beyond that. She'd started bringing out feelings in him that he thought were dead - but he was smarter than to think this thing would go beyond quick meetings, playing cards and fast food. It just didn't work that way in the real world, even if he were to admit that when thinking about the future, he saw Ryan - or hoped she would be there.

Shaking his head, Alec takes the last sip of his pop and wipes his hands on his jeans. Then, taking the door handle, he opens it, letting in the cool air. Sliding around, he stops with one leg outside. he was halfway to his freedom. But two directions were pulling him with equal strength. Why he hesitates at all beats him - it was crazy that he wasn't already halfway across that field.

All of Ryan's words seem to crash together in his mind. And he was confused. He'd hated the Elite. He'd just helped them. He wanted the Agency. He would be running from them. Which was better? Which route was wiser? Running? Taking a chance he wouldn't be put in prison?

Putting his leg back in the car, he slams the car door shut again. He grips the steering wheel with frustration before turning the key and cursing the Elite. Just letting the engine run, he sits, one step closer to staying, but still fighting his flight instincts.

Ty still sits on the floor and leans back against Libby's bed after another round of video games. He grins and shakes his head. "We're tied again. You know that means we have to play another."

Still grinning, he looks at Libby, more than one thing running through his blue eyes. "I never thanked you for wanting to work with me on reading. I've enjoyed the day so... thank you."

Trent swallows hard and nods, trying to keep his emotions in check. "You're welcome," he responds quietly.

Clearing his throat, he checks his watch. "Well, um... I need to go pick up some stuff for the ranch... you two can hang out here and take your time, and I'll be back in about half an hour or so, if you want."

Ryder nods, seeing that Trent wanted some time alone. "Sure. We might take a decko at the scenery, but we'll be back."

"Okay." Trent rises and puts money on the table to pay for everyone before turning and heading to the door.

Ryder watches him leave, then turns to look at Thirteen, his arm still around her. "How ya doing, my little sheila?"

Your choice

Listing to Alec Ryan feel's her heart sink just a little bit. Why she wasn't sure, but the feeling was there anyways. Looking down at the clock Ryan see the time and knows they are late. She was going to hearing from Reese and probably get grilled for another hour.

Hearing Alec's last statement Ryan looks at him again. Cocking her head for a moment trying to find the words with in his statement.

"Maybe I am holding you here with my magical powers!!"

Ryan gives a shake of her head letting out a sigh taking another sip of her soda that was almost gone now.

"I don't know why your legs wont move you Alec. Maybe its because you found something you can feeling. But if your not coming back with me, than you better get going so I can get back and face the music for you. I wont stop you Alec, but my heart will ach for you. So you need to make your choose, stay with me, or never see me again, and the feelings you have with me will be lost once again. The choose is yours, not one I can make for you!"


"At least I wouldn't be locked up in a tiny room," Alec counters sulkily.

He finishes off his sandwich and looks at the clock. They would be late. But he makes no move to start the engine. "Being on the run isn't so bad.... at least I'd be in control and no where I was headed and what the point was. Here... I don't really think they're gonna let me off the hook. Gage - he was another guy, but totally clueless about anything. I see why they'd let him go - he's no real threat. Me... they wouldn't risk it."

He shrugs lamely and continues to stare off into the distance. "It's right here, Ry... all of it. Why can't I get my legs to work and just go?"

None Stop

Holding her head high Ryan dosent bat an eye he did have a point. But was he looking at it from both sides?

"But what if you have the chance of going back and not going to jail?"

Taking another sip of her drink Ryan looks out the window again. The sky was so blue today and it was hardly cold at all.

"How could you enjoy freedom if you were on the run none stop?


A little scoff surfaces as Alec takes another few fries, enjoying the food while he had it. "That's all you got? Wouldn't a new start be worth the sacrifice of knowing someone?"

He eyes Ryan as he eats, wondering at the look on her face. "Besides that, I could still wind up behind bars. You really think it's worth the risk of me going back? Taking the chance that I'll go to prison? When I got freedom right here?"

He wipes a hand on his jeans, his expression solemn. "If all you've got is saying you wouldn't see me, something's wrong with the logic."


Letting out a sigh as Reese says no like she new he would but there had been a little hope there that he would of said yes. Going to give her own retaliation the phone it taken from her and thrown in the back seat.

Looking over at Alec again Ryan pulls out another fry from the bag, than her pop taking a sip and chewing. Listing to Alec Ryan looks out the window where he was point. Freedom, his freedom was out there, but how long would he than have to run?

"You could walk away, make a new life for yourself start over, I'd tell Reese I don't know what happened and I don't know where you went, but...than I'd never see you again."

Letting out a sigh Ryan pulls the burger from the bag next and unwraps it. Taking a bite Ryan chews it Ryan just watches Alec a strange look passing in her eye, maybe sadness at the though of never seeing Alec again.


Reese listens to Ryan on one line, while Con was on hold on the other, just having reported back that he'd lost Alec and Ryan and couldn't find them.

He smirks at the phone. "No. You got fifteen minutes to get your hind end back here, Miss McKade. I never told you you wouldn't be followed. If you're gonna spend all your time making out on car hoods and playing hide and seek, then that's your decision. You had an hour, and I expect you back, or Alec's not going to be able to go out again."

Alec chews on a french fry, just able to hear Reese's loud tone coming through Ryan's cell phone. Not even letting her respond, he reaches over and takes the phone from her, shutting it and tossing it into the back seat. "He'll get over it."

Taking a sip of pop, he leans back and looks out the window at the open lot. Trees could be seen and beyond that... it was left up to the imagination. "Reese wants to lock me up, he'll do it whether I'm on time or not," he mutters. "You see that?" He points out the window at the scenery. "That's freedom. Right here, right now, I can walk away, disappear and not go back. Give me one good reason I shouldn't.

Reese realizes the call has been dropped and he hangs up, muttering to himself. Picking up the receiver again, he gets Con once more. "It was Ryan. She's fine, apparently. Keep looking around - though I think they're going to come back."

Worth a try

Sitting in the passenger side Ryan shakes her head at Alec's comment. Reaching into the bag as Alec pulled his hand out Ryan's brush his. Looking at him and grinning Ryan goes into the bag for her fry's pulling them out.

"Your not toast, but I don't want to push out luck ether, because I would never blame you alone for being late because I would be part of it too."

Putting a few frys into her mouth Ryan thinks for a long moment taking her phone from her pocket. Dialing TJY's number she waits till she hears the failure voice on the other end.

"Mr. Reese, Mr. Reese...if you wanted someone to come with us you should of said so and not gone behind my back. Anyways since you had us followed does than mean we get another hour alone? Like the humans we are?"

Looking at Alec a grin forms on her lips giving a shrug. It was worth a try to see if they could get more time. She doubted it, but at least she was trying.


Alec gives a little scoff. "Yeah... I guess they figured since I actually got out of the ankle bracelet they gave me, they better keep an eye on me. Can't blame them I guess, but their security is annoying."

Eying Ryan a moment, he's a little surprised she'll let him keep driving, but he doesn't say no. For the first time in months, he was having just a little bit of fun. "McDonalds... but I don't know how to get there from here so you'll have to direct me."

Pulling out cautiously onto the street again, he makes sure the car isn't in sight anymore, and heads to the fast food restaurant. Once through the line and getting their food, Alec parks the car in a grassy lot, not too far from TJY. Shutting off the engine, he sighs, looking at the clock. "Fifteen minutes. Even I can't eat that fast. Reese'll just have to wait."

He reaches into the bag and pulls out his sandwich. "You can blame me. I'm toast anyway."



Sliding into the driver side Ryan buckles up. As Alec starts out of the Ryan takes note to him watching in the rear view mirror more than a normal person would. Finding it odd, it only makes her wonder more if he unannounced suspension was really true.

Once Alec guns it Ryan holds onto the door, not out of fear but just leverage. It felt odd being in the passenger seat and not the driver. Thought it still seemed to hold a sudden rush too it. Nothing saying anything Ryan enjoys the ride, keeping an eye out for any cops as well. The last things she need was her car to be spotted and turned in from street racing in town.

Spotting the same alleyway Alec did Ryan hopped he would use it and sure enough he did. Waiting silently seeing the car go by Ryan gives a shake of her head. She couldn't believe they actually followed them.

Turning her head to look at Alec Ryan gives a small sake. She had a feeling they might fallow, but hadn't taken note to anyone.

"I had no idea they were going to fallow. I can see why these people can get irritating fast."

Letting out a long sigh and smelling the rubber Ryan new she was going to have to some new tires. These roads were much differnt when racing on tires than out in the dessert, She didn't have the right protection on them. At least they were tired and nothing else.

"How about we hit up Burger King or McDonald before we go back. If you like you can keep driving. I kind of was enjoying the ride."


Seeing the keys being held up in front of him, a grin creasing his lips. Snatching them from her hand like a cat going after a mouse, he straightens, bringing Ryan up with him, his one arm around her waist. "I'll be careful," he promises.

Heading to the driver's side, he slides in behind the wheel, starting the engine and taking just a quick moment to get his bearings. Backing from the parking space, he stops at the street, watching for traffic, but he seems to be watching longer than necessary.

Without warning, he revs the engine and peels onto the street, squealing the tires as he cuts the corner. He seems to be lost in his own little world, keeping an eye on the mirrors while accelerating far beyond the speed limit. Totally ignoring Ryan, he seems bent on concentrating on the rearview mirror especially.

Approaching an intersection, he takes it in in an instant. The light was red and there was too much traffic to run it. Slamming on the breaks, he whips the steering wheel around, using the hand break to skid, cutting a U-turn. Stepping on the gas again, he steers the car to the next nearest side road, barely making it around the curb. His eyes go to the mirror again and a curse slips out.

Speeding up, he takes another turn, then spots an alley. Screeching to a halt, the smell of burning rubber fills the air. Throwing the car in reverse, he whips it backward into the alley and out of the street, and out of sight. His fingers tap the wheel, waiting. And sure enough, the blue car speeds by, unaware of the hiding place.

Alec puts the car in park again and finally looks at Ryan. "They'd been tailing us since TJY," he informs. "Thought they might get tired after getting a clear view of the show, but apparently they wanted to make sure I didn't run off or something."

His eyes narrow slightly, showing his displeasure at the fact they'd been followed. "But now the fast food choice is up to you... and you can drive again."


Hearing someones voice Ryan lets out a groan at the interruption of a perfectly good moment. Sitting herself up on her elbows just a little bit she grins the the restraint employee. Humoring, danced in her eyes, the flame still there, but just pushed back for the time being.

Letting out a snicker at Alec's threat to the younger boy Ryan couldn't help but like his rough nature. A grin formed on her lips as she cocked her head and looked back at Alec once again.

"Yes, I believe we have, but it was worth it."

Returning the last kiss to Alec Ryan thinks for a moment. It wasn't just anyone she'd let drive her car. This was her baby and if anything happened to it, she'd have nothing to race. but in the pit of her stomach Ryan trusted Alec, and for the first time ever she would agree to letting someone else drive her car.

"Ok, you can drive her, but you have to be gentile with her."

Moving just a little to get the keys from her pocket Ryan holds them up for Alec to take.

"I would suggest stopping at a fast food place on the way back. We don't really have much time for anything else."


Alec buries his head in deeper next to Ryan's, feeling almost dizzy from the overwhelming feelings that rose up within him. It was more than just having a woman in his arms. Ryan was special, even if he didn't yet know why.

Feeling all of her returns of affection, he murmurs in her neck before moving back up to her lips again, his hold on her tightening.

"Hey! Hey, you!" The sound of someone approaching broke the moment.

Alec withdraws only slightly from Ryan, turning his head with distaste at the interruption. It was an employee of the restaurant, red-faced and flustered. "What?" Alec asks coolly.

"This... this is our parking lot and you either need to... to come in and eat or leave."

Alec straightens his arms, his palms still on the hood of Ryan's car as he stares at the young man. "Unless you want all your fingers on your right hand dislocated, I suggest you go back inside."

The employee's eyes widen, his jaw dropping. "I... I... you can't..."

Alec's eyes narrow. "Git," he hisses. Seeing the young man head for the door, he turns back to Ryan, still hovering over her. "I think we've worn out our welcome." A new look was in his eye for just a moment... humor.

Leaning down to place a last kiss on Ryan's lips, he draws away again. "How 'bout letting me drive?"


Feeling Alec deeping the kiss, Ryan returns it with just a little bit of force as a challenging kiss back. His hands on her face, running through her hair and back to her face send the warmth surging through Ryan's body. Not caring they were in public all seemed lost once again as it had before.

Time didnt matter, nothing but just them, in this moment, together was what could be focused on. Ryan's other arm finding Alec's back as her hand kept racking through Alec's hair roughly.

As He pulls away Ryan can feel the pounding in her ears, and the blood that flowed so fast through her body as her heart just pounded harder and hard Alec's presence, being so close invoking these feelings, and these reaction Ryan craved more.

Trying to catch her breath for the moment it seems to be all sucked away once again as Alec starts to kiss her neck. Chills moved up and down Ryan's spine with every kiss that was places. A low growl came from Ryan's throat a symbol that what Alec was doing, was driving her crazy in a good way and she liked it. As he continued Ryan's hand grasp Alec's back keeping him close to her.

Turning her head a little as Alec continued to kiss her neck Ryan gives Alec's eat a light kiss her woulds coming out heavy.

"I think I could get use to being fair."

Moving away from Alec a little Ryan only returns once again giving Alec's ear a light nibble. Her arms still tightly around him keeping him close to her.


Bending his arms, Alec lets Ryan pull him down closer, his eyes closing as her hand makes its way back to his hair. Feeling her lips on his again, he welcomes them without hesitance, returning the kiss slowly at first.

Leaning on her a little more, he pushes her until she's lying back on the hood. Propped on his forearms, one hand pinning her shoulder down, while the other moves between raking her hair or cradling the side of her face.

Not caring where they were, Alec deepens the kiss, keeping Ryan roughly under his grasp. Drawing back once, he feels his pulse racing, his breath catching in his throat. "You should be fair more often. I think I like it better than cruelty."

Cocking his head the other way, he sends kisses down her neck, still not letting her go.

Oh boy!

Hearing the car door, and the gravel beneath Alec's feet Ryan turns her head just a little to one side her eyes following him as he came back to in front of her. As his head comes close to her, his arms on ether side, it forces Ryan back just a little more.

Looking into his eyes, and seeing the glint had returned it sends Ryan's heart pounding again. Every time it sounded louder than the last for sure thinking one of these times Alec would hear it himself.

Hearing his words but not replying to them right away, Ryan takes in Alec's gaze, memorizing his eyes, his look. Her own fire still blazing right. Lifting herself up just a little Ryan brings her lips to Alec's for a moment before retreating again. Her head still very close to his.

"I guess it's only fair."

Leaning back on just one of her arms Ryan brings the other to the side of Alec's face her thumb just maping his cheek bone for a moment. Finally though she slips her hand behind his head. Intertwining her fingers with his hair.

Pulling him forward closer to her, Ryan's lips meet his one more. The passion that seemed to have built up from this brief moment of holding it back, let go all at once. Pulling away and turning her head the other way Ryan brought her lips back to his once again, not giving to much time in between.


Alec's eyes don't move from Ryan, even after she's settled down on the hood of the car. He watches her, studying her, memorizing her. Her long hair flowed down over her shoulders as she leaned back on the car, falling around the jacket on her arms.

Watching her for several moments, Alec lets the silence rule, letting her be his interest for the moment. He knew he only had a short amount of time today, and there were more restrictions than they'd been informed of. Otherwise, he would have many more choices than he did. But under these conditions, he forced himself to remain content in the strange quiet. He'd never been more relieved to be outside, let alone with company.

Eventually though, he slides his feet back off the dashboard and reaches down to open the car door. Shutting it lightly, he walks around to the front of the car, his shoes crunching on loose gravel. Moving around to the bumper, he steps over Ryan's ankles with one foot, creating a bridge over her legs, then leans forward to almost meet her forehead with his, his hands resting on the hood on either side of her.

Staring into her eyes at close range, his glint had returned. "You were just cruel," he hisses. "Time to make up for it."


Waiting a few moment but not having Alec join her Ryan turns a little to look back in the windshield at him. The corners of her own mouth still turned up in a grin as she gives a little shake of her head. Everything wanted to go back to him, but to win this challenge she had to be strong. She had done it before when she walked away giving his food to Trooper, she could go it again.

Moving a few steps back Ryan sits down on the hood of the car. Leaning backwards she looks up at the sky as the clouds pass by. Every muscle in her body screaming for her to go back to Alec, and retrieve the kiss she so badly desired. But she sat leaning backwards looking at the sky.

Unspoken Dare

Feeling Ryan move closer to him, Alec turns his head, meeting her gaze head-on. His mouth is unmoved, but a sly grin lies behind his eyes.

Her fingers running through his hair sends a chill down his spine. Her breath on his face forces his eyes closed, his lips feeling hers brush against them, tempting him. But his hand that moves towards her shoulder is left wanting as she moves away, retreating from the car.

Staring after her, his gaze follows her around the car until he's looking out at her through the windshield. But instead of joining her, he leans back in the seat, putting both feet up on the dashboard and his hands behind his head. He quirks an eyebrow, the very corner of his mouth turning up ever so slightly.

Here we go again! O.O

Giving a shake of her head Ryan keeps Alec's words tucked into the back of her mind for now. Not saying anything else on them....for now.

Another snicker slips from her lips as she breaks and Alec goes forward a little. How could he have for gotten how she driver? She thought for sure it would live in his mind forever.

"Seat belts with me is probably a good thing. I like you better there, than a hood ornament."

Pulling into the parking lot of TGI Friday it was pretty easy to find a parking place. This time of day, and being the day after Christmas it was pretty deserted.

Parking Ryan takes the key out of the ignition and slips them into the pocket of her leather jacket. Just sitting in the car for a moment a grin forms on her lips at Alec's question. What drove her to do what she did next was something else she didn't know why.

Shifting a little Ryan's hand finds Alec's as her finger tips creep from his hand up his arm. Leaning over twords Alec Ryan can feel her heart thumping in her chest like it had any other time Alec came close to her.

Bringing her face extreaming close to his, her hand continues up his arm and than her fingers moves to run over his neck until she slip around to the back of of his head. Her fingers spreading apart through his hair, closing them around the soft strands. Her face not extremely close to his she could feel his breath on her skin.

Looking deep into Alec's eyes once more, Ryan's own reflected a burning fire behind them, but it was a much different than one of anger. This was was life and passion mixed with her rough nature. It was a look that perhaps she herself didn't even know she had. Ryan's lips so close to his they brush over them lightly. Her voice almost a whisper.

"Actually, I am very hungry. I hope you are too."

Pulling away and retreating her hand Ryan bows her head as the sassy, grin remains on her face. Getting out of the car Ryan takes a few steps twords the restront before stoping to wait for Alec.

Oops again

Alec listens to Ryan while letting his eyes shift between the window, mirrors and her face. Her comments bring an actual grin to his face and he turns a little in his seat. "Mmm... maybe you ought to be cruel a little more to make sure I understand completely how you make up for it."

Not paying attention, he hadn't noticed a stop sign coming up, and as the car brakes, his hand flies to the dashboard, keeping him from falling into the windshield. Quirking an eyebrow, he sits back, going for his seatbelt that he'd neglected to buckle earlier. "I forgot how you drive," he muse dryly, recalling the night she'd picked him up and he'd barely made it from her car to hurl on the side of the road.

Looking in the mirrors again, he watches the passing scenery, taking it all in. It felt like he'd been barricaded half his life... the outdoors looked different now. It was a different season. It was colder. Quieter.

TGI Fridays isn't that far away, so it's only a few minutes before they're parked in the parking lot again and Alec is removing his seatbelt. "Hungry?"

Some way, or another.

Continuing out to her car Ryan doesn't stop again till she is there. Opening the door and leaning on it for a moment while she watched Alec a smile formed on her lips. It was nice to already see Alec was enjoying himself, just seeing the sun on his face as he soaked it in. He had really had needed this.

Finally getting the rest of the way into the car Ryan puts the keys in the ignition and starts the car. Hearing the nickname Alec had giving her Ryan can't help the corners of her mouth lifting. She always hated when people called her Ry, like she was a kind of bread, but when Alec said it...it was completely different and she liked it.

Not taking to much time to think about Alec's question Ryan gives a little chuckle as she pulls out of the driveway.

"Maybe I do have mysterious powers..."

Ryan takes her hands off the wheel for a moment and waves her fingers in the air before replacing her hands down once again. Giving Alec a side long glace she was hoping to make him smile again. Shaking her head Ryan's grin remains.

"...but I highly doubt it. Sometimes its easiest to just ask for something you want, and I happened to want to take you out to lunch."

Looking back to the road Ryan continues to drive. Thinking for a moment so many of her own emotions seemed to float around inside her. Her biggest one was why did she felt like this around Alec. It was welcomed for sure, but she still didn't seem to understand it. He was good looking, and his eyes so deep she could get lost. The way he let the corners of his mouth upturn, and his touch it just sent chills through.

Trying to clear her head while she drives Ryan did what she could to push her questions away for now. At the moment, just having Alec by her side, seemed to invoke more feelings to bubble up, that were strange yet felt warm, and good.

"The world is cold and cruel, but not even one in it is. At least I don't think I am. Maybe cruel sometimes, but I always seem to make up for it some way...or another."

Ryan's grin widens as her eyes give a small twinkle.

Not really getting the answer she wanted Thirteen lets out a small sigh. Maybe in her mind she had hoped now that Trent new she new who he was he'd be all ready to have a relationship. But truth be told that would just make life to easy.

Feeling a little bit a disappointment Thirteen did her best to keep it hidden well, easy to be done as Ryder moved his arms around her shoulder his warmth comforting her, and providing a shelter.

Finally though sitting a little straighter in the booth Thirteen picks up her fork just a habit to keep her hands busy. Looking up Thirteen looks Trent head on, with strength in her gaze.

"No matter what, I still love you, and I am proud to have you as my father. Thank you for at least giving me this time with you."

Giving a smile to Trent Thirteen continues to try and remain strong. She new who her father was, and when people asked she didn't have to say she didn't know anymore that was as great a gift as anything. Trent had also given her a small bit of his time, and thought it wasn't long, at least it was something.

Mysterious power

Looking at Ryan as she heads for the door, questions begin to invade Alec's mind. What was he doing? What was he thinking? This was nuts. He didn't care about anybody but himself. He was to only look out for number one. His relationships with women - they were all the same and all based on one thing. Ryan would quicker turn him over to an enemy than anybody with those blazing eyes. So she'd brought him food, so what? So she'd given him gifts, so what? Nobody could be trusted - nobody. Feelings for someone like this - they simply weren't real.

Who was he kidding?

Alec hesitates to follow her out the door. She had done something to him. She had unlocked a door deep down in his soul that had been bolted shut and buried years ago, never to be opened again. Yet no matter how rusty the lock or how corroded the hinges... somehow, she had opened it. It was a far cry from love - that door hadn't seen the light of day for over half his life. But this one... its own opening proved more than physical attraction. Its opening spoke more than physical desires. Oh, they were there, but the light that was shining through this now-open door sent a feeling through him that was hard to recognize, it had been so long. But he knew that if someone were to come to harm Ryan, he would defend her. He cared. Her gifts had been more than food - more than a gold chain. And they had evoked the feelings that now wouldn't easily go away.

Finally shaking his head, Alec grabs his denim jacket and throws it on, following Ryan out. Down the hall and up the stairs, Alec had been this way plenty of times before - usually at night when hardly anyone was here so he wouldn't be accused of harassing or trying to escape.

Walking with Ryan, he received strange looks as they passed Elite officers. He was a prisoner, let free for an hour - it was strange to them too. But the look he gave back to them was a cold, icy gaze that made them look away first.

Out the door, up the elevator and finally into the outdoors. Just standing in the parking lot, Alec closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of the air he'd been lacking for so long now. Opening his eyes again, he squints, the sunlight almost too much. But he couldn't deny it felt good. Even the iciest of hearts needed the sunshine once in a while.

Continuing to walk behind Ryan, be recognizes her car from the night she'd picked him up. So long ago. He'd been so stupid. He should have headed straight out of town that night instead of trying to track her down. Things would be so different now. He thinks wryly that yes, he might be dead.

Slipping into the passenger side, Alec waits for Ryan, looking over at her with too many things running through his eyes to decipher. "So how did you do it, Ry? How did you convince the big boss to let me out? I feel like some ol' Andy Griffith show where he let the prisoners out for Christmas as long as they promised to come back. But that doesn't happen in the real world. Or do you have some mysterious power you're wielding on all of us?"

Trent falls quiet as he thinks, exchanging a quick glance with Ryder. "I... don't know. I guess we'll have to play it by ear."

He let his eyes roam back to Thirteen, the pain he felt greater than he had in a long time. He knew he was handling this situation well today, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. And if he had his druthers, he'd leave now and go hibernate in a corner for a while like he normally did. But this time he didn't have a choice but to face all of this through to the end.

"We still live quite a ways apart," he reminds her. "But... visits can always happen."

Ryder slips his hand from Thirteens in order to move his arm and wrap it around her shoulders. It was obvious that Trent didn't want to make any promises right now, and Ryder knew that logical or not, it might still be a bit of a disappointment.


Continuing the kiss Ryan felt like she was floating on the cloud. Lost in the waves at sea but safe in Alec's arms. These off feelings, she had never felt before, there were different, they were warm.

Looking into Alec's eyes as leaned his head against her Ryan searches there depths. The fire seemed to burn even brighter. Feelings thought no longer existed now pounded in his chest. Her own heart seemed to echo as it pounded so fast.

"I guess...it would be bad if Hal saw us like this."

Being let down to the ground Ryan has to hold Alec's arm for a moment as everything spins. But in minutes she is ok, and though her heart still pounded she could see straight again. Feeling his hand on her face she leans into it for just a moment, making a low humming sound. Though his hand was rough it still felt so nice on her skin.

"Lunch...yes..that sounds good."

Letting her hand slide from Alec's arm slowly Ryan turns for the door, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Alec was with her, the grin, and glint in her eye still remained.


Completely overtaken the moment of heated passion, Alec persists with the exchange, feeling as though all sense has left him. But there was just something about Ryan. She had cared... she was beautiful... she was warm... she believed in him... she had convinced Reese to let him out for a while... she felt oh so good tucked in his arms.

It felt like a slice of eternity, when in reality it had been less than two full minutes when Alec straightens his head, catching breaths of air in between several last kisses. Leaning his forehead against Ryan's as he still held her, his heart pounded in his chest and heat flowed up his neck and into his face.

"I'd make you stay," he whispers, "but Hal's due for his rounds in three minutes."

Giving her nose another kiss, he searches her bright eyes, wondering how they had entranced him so. He'd had other women, but there was something different about this. He had the desires, but... Ryan had something that held him at bay... something that warned him not to step too far over the line, less he lose something he wanted. Deep, deep down a question lay in wait... could this really happen?

Finally letting Ryan slide back down to the floor, he reaches to her face, combing her hair behind her ear, then running his rough palm down her cheek. "Now that we've had dessert... maybe it's time for lunch."


As Alec's words hit Ryan's ears about her being his freedom it send chill down her spin. No one had ever said that to her before, and coming from Alec they felt as thought they had more power behind them sending another set of chills up her spin.

Feeling Alec lift her off the ground instincts kick in and Ryan wraps her legs around his wast. Her hands staying in the same position. The one now running up and down his back while the other was still playing with his hair. Oh soft it felt between her fingers, she just couldn't help it. Everything else seemed so far away, almost like her mind blacked out about where they were, and why.

Feeling Alec's lips move to her neck Ryan lets out a low noise in her throat as a suggestion that she liked that very much. Alec's words and breath drifting across her skin so soft. Finding her lips again Ryan continue to kiss Alec pretty back with force as if challenging him with her kiss.


Alec pauses to catch his breath as Ryan draws back for just a moment. "This is my freedom," he whispers back. Holding her a little tighter, a low growl escapes his throat as her hands move roughly through his hair.

Deepening the kiss, his hands move down to lift her up, pressing her between himself and the wall so she's the same height as he, one arm wrapped around her torso, the other on her leg.

Cocking his head, he kisses her neck lightly. "I disabled the camera," he informs coyly. Returning to her lips, he opens his eyes to find hers, the glint still there. "Lunch can wait two minutes. If we're late back... they can call me a prisoner."

Kissing her lips again, he doesn't make a move to exit he room.


Feeling Alec' arm slip around her wast and than the light kiss over her face till they stop at her lips Ryan feels once again everything she had yesterday. Seeming to get lost once again all was forgotten. Why did Alec alone make her feel this way.

Feeling weak in the knees like she might fall Ryan brings her one arm around Alec to his back holding onto him, and the other hand finds the back of his head her fingers combing through his hair lightly as she returned her his kiss with her own passion.

All else seemed for gotten.

Pulling away slightly Ryan turns her head the other way a small whisper leaving her lips...

"Your losing your hour of freedom you know."

Bringing her lips back to his once again Ryan continues the kiss. Moving her one hand that was on the back of his head to the side to draw circles around his ear and than back to his head once again raking her fingers through it a little rougher this time.


Receiving Ryan's kiss, Alec starts to return it, only to have her draw away again. Squinting a little, just the corner of his mouth starts to curl. "It will be huh? And that's all you have to show for it?"

He'd been thinking about yesterday ever since she'd left, so having here now, it all came back - the strange feelings she evoked. The warmth. That look in her eye that dared him closer.

Moving his hands from the wall to her waist, he brings her all the way to him, cocking his head to send light kisses from her forehead, over her eyes, nose, then finally to her lips again where he remains, unwilling to go that quickly. Freedom could wait another minute... or two.

Five Minutes

Not being able to help the chuckle again that escaped her lips Ryan just thought it was a bit humorous how skeptical he was at first, and than his comment about five minutes.

"Its only going to be five minutes if you don't hurry up."

Seeing Alec was ready Ryan is moves away from the wall a little but it pushed back against it was Alec steps in front of her pinning her against the wall. The look in his eye was the same one she saw yesterday before she had left. It was different than before, and it was the one that drew Ryan in, almost like a summon that just took over.

Pushing back against Alec just a little Ryan press her lips to his for a moment as her heart races once again sending her into a total loop.

"Don't worry, it will be!"



Still baffled, Alec decides to trust Ryan. She didn't look like she was trying to trick him into anything, and with the security around here, they wouldn't be able to get out if Reese hadn't approved.

Glancing down at his shoes, he shrugs lamely and slips them on. "Alright, you win. I don't care if it's only five minutes if I can get out of here, even if it is bizarre."

Finished tying his shoes, he stands up, wandering the couple steps in front of Ryan, just looking down into her eyes, his facial expression solemn. There was something in his eye though... something that had been ignited the day before.

Putting a hand on either side of her against the wall, he traps her in between his arms. "We better make the hour worth it."

No joke

Not being able to help the small chuckle that escaped her lips Ryan folds her arms across her chest looking down at Alec.

"Give a little, get a little I guess. There is no joke, this is the start to you being free. We come back in an hour after lunch and who knows maybe next time it will be two hours."

Shaking her head Ryan bends down and picks up Alec's tennis shows throwing them gently at him. Backing up to lean against the wall Ryan just grins at Alec.

"So are you gonna spend you hour of freedom just sitting there or are we going to go out and have some lunch?"


Alec's expression turns to one of total confusion. "What?"

He sits up, sliding his feet over the edge of the cot and furrowing his brow at Ryan as he looks up at her. "The boss' okay? You've got to be kidding me. They let me out, they could have this place shut down for letting a prisoner out."

He eyes Ryan skeptically, not believing her. "What's the joke?"


Ryan can't help the one side of her mouth turns up into a half smile. He'd always been good at keeping a strangle face, what was the problem now.

"I have a problem with not catching on the first fifty times. However, I haven't forgotten my promise on food. And since your letting me pick I am saying we are going to TGI Friday since I wasn't able to make anything before coming here. So I would suggest you put your shoes on. Its kind of cold out there today."

Not being able to help it any longer the other side of her mouth turns up into a devilish smile and a sassy glint lay behind her eye.

"Don't worry I got the boss ok. We have one hour so unless you wanna spend most of it in here...I would hurry."


Alec's eyes fly open as he hears Ryan's voice, startled by her presence. He hadn't thought she'd be back quite so soon. She'd been grilled? That was interesting. He got the shrink, she got the questions - he shouldn't be surprised at Reese's paranoia.

Propping himself up on an elbow, he stretches his legs out and looks up at Ryan, a smile hidden beneath the surface. "You make it sound like I told him something by accident." He quirks an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing slightly in a rather sly look. "I don't do anything by accident."

Shifting his weight a little, he remains on the cot. "I'm miserable," he answers her question. "Haven't you learned not to ask that yet?"

Spill Beans

Looking back at Reese Ryan's expression finally changes to one of pure surprise. She hadnt really expected Reese to agree to her taking Alec out to lunch. Just standing there and blinking for a moment Ryan's face finally turns up into a smile.

"One hour...got it."

Turning again Ryan hurrys out the door. She couldn't wait to tell Alec he could go to lunch with her. She new he was going to love the fresh air. Good down to the door she new all to well Ryan stops for a moment

Finally entering and seeing Alec laying on the bed Ryan cocks her head to one side, before finally making her presence known.

"I can't see why you don't like that guy. I was just grilled for goodness knows how long because he thought I was in cahoots with you and we were planning some big scheme."

Ryan rolls her eyes as she enters a little more into the room. Finally giving a little grin her eyes tried not to give away her secret. After telling her whole life store to Reese and feeling that pain again she needed something fun to keep her mind busy.

"How ya holding up today? I was told you spilled the beans to the boss and thats why he brought me in."

Giving a thoughtful nod about her mother Thirteen can't help the smile that forms on her face being told her looked like her mom and had her smile. At least she new, she carried a part of her inside.

For one of the first times a tear forms in Thirteen's eye. There was a slight pain in her heart. She wished she could remember her mom. But to try and think that far back really hurt. It was hard getting past everything from the Agency.

"I wish I could have met her."

Sucking in a breath Thirteen uses her free hand to whip her tears away giving a small smile. She new it was imposable so she shouldn't dwell on it to much even though it hurt.

"Will we be able to see each other more now?"

1 hour

Reese is ready to look back down at his work when Ryan's words surprise him. He glances up at her with a raised eyebrow. Lunch? With Alec? Away from TJY? If he hadn't just trusted his instincts about Ryan ten seconds ago, he would have thought now this really was a ploy. But apparently she was serious.

He thinks a moment, contemplating. "It's not your promises that I'm worried about. I trust you - it's Alec I don't trust. You can promise me all day long that you'll bring him back, but if he slips your grasp, then who would you be bringing back? Not to mention, if he got away, the Elite would have to answer for it and that wouldn't be pleasurable."

Cocking his head, he studies Ryan for another few seconds. "But I'd hate for you to be a liar. Take him out. You have one hour. And I mean - one hour."

Watching Thirteen's reactions, Ryder keeps a close eye on her, making sure nothing was too great a shock or burden for this day's little meeting. Hearing her tone as she discovered he had known about her, he gives a little sigh, but returns the squeeze to her hand. He would explain later the promise he had made. It was obvious that she wasn't upset, but he wanted to give her a reason for his silence.

Receiving her next question, Trent smiles just a little. "She was pretty... just like you. Dark hair and eyes... you have her smile. She loved life... took chances - maybe one too many, but she never held regrets. This happened but she'd always face her problems head-on without asking why. I guess maybe the one chance she shouldn't have taken was with me. We both had our heads somewhere else when we should have been paying attention. She loved you though."

Trent gives a slight nod. "She was scared, but like me, when she finally saw you for the first time... it was love at first sight. She would have been a good mother."

Can he?

Looking back at Reese Ryan held her head high it was the only thing she could do to keep from crying. She hated cops, she still hated cops and Reese just confirmed why. She was hurt, and felt broken in a way something she hadn't felt in a very long time.

Standing and giving a nod to Reese Ryan makes her way to the door not saying much of anything else. Though Ryan was surprised about what Alec had done there was nothing else to say, or tell. Getting to the door Ryan stops and turns to Reese again. It was a long shot but why not ask anyways right.

"Do you think I could take Alec out to lunch...I promise to bring him back. I promised him lunch today when I came back and I didn't bring lunch. I'd hate to start lieing now."

Giving a smile and a nod Libby packs up a few of the things they had, and throws away the garbage before leading the way out to the truck. Once inside and on there was Libby takes a few back roads till they are on the outskirts of town. Knowing the short cuts made it real easy to get from one place to the next.

Pulling into the drive way of a small red farm house Libby dosnt bother pulling the truck into the shed. Shutting off the engine she waits in the care for a long moment as if listening for something. Not hearing anything she new no one was home and it was safe.

Getting out of the truck and leading Ty inside it was a normal little house, semi clean. Empty beer bottles and cans layed by one of the easy chairs one could guess that was her moms. Giving a quick tour and seeing if he wanted anything to drink Libby shows Ty to her own room. Shutting the door behind them just in case anyone came home.

Flopping down on one of the bean bag chairs Libby pulls the other one out in front of the tv. On one side of the room the wall lined with DvD's and on the other side it was lined with video games. A stereo and tv sat on the wall in the middle. To the left was a dresser and closet with a rather large looking Katana above the door and next to that was a bed, and a bookshelf along with a small desk. On the walls were postered of fairies, horses, movie stars, flowers.

"Ok your the guest so you can pick a video game or a movie. You name something you like and I can tell you if I have it or not. More than likely I do."

Spending most the time in her own room Libby's collection of items to keep her busy had really grown over the years. Not having much else to spend her money on.

Listing to Trent careful one could tell Thirteen didn't want to miss anything. Taking everything in Thirteen's expression didn't change with the understanding of what happened, and what was going on. Looking at Ryder for a moment hearing that he new about Trent her look was a bit confused for a moment.

"You new?"

Looking down at the table she just was quiet for a long second. So many things ran through her head, and so much information was being processed, but she had wanted to know and now she did. Her father didn't hate her, or disown her he didn't even know she was alive, and when he did he thought he was unworthy.

"No matter what happend in the past...I...I still love you Dad."

Thirteen really did mean it. It might take some getting use to, and it was different but there was no doubt in her mind that she did indeed love the one she had been looking for, for so long.

Giving a gentil squeeze to Ryder's hand she lets him know she wasn't angry with him for not telling her. He had his reasons and though she didnt know they they had to be good. Taking a sip of her half coffee and her half hot coco A small smile comes to Thirteen's face. She new what her next question was.

"What was my mother like?"

Free to visit

Reese had reason to suspect a shady past, or even a connection to the Agency, seeing how Ryan had interacted with Alec. So when Ryan begins to opening tell of her family's history, he sits back a little, listening intently.

There were emotions in her eyes... real emotions - not the fake kind put on an act. Her story... her feelings... they weren't those of someone who was covering for the Agency. Before Ryan was even finished, Reese had his answer that she was clean, but he doesn't interrupt. He wanted to know the rest now - he still wanted to know why she had befriended Alec in the first place, especially now if he saw she wasn't involved on the wrong side of the law.

Continuing to listen, the harshness fades from Reese's eyes, replaced with a compassion similar to what he might feel towards a daughter if he had one. Ryan was one tough cookie, but it took that just to have made it this far but the sounds of it. A part of him felt badly for assuming the worst, even though he knew they had needed to find out if she was a security risk.

Coming to an understanding of just why Ryan had come, Reese finds it an honorable motive. He couldn't say he quite grasped the footage or Ryan's inability to explain it, but as long as she was clean, he supposed it really wasn't any of his business.

He cocks his head and looks at Ryan a long moment after she's finished. "No one can act that well." His voice was a little gentler this time before he leans forward on his desk, folding his hands. "Thank you for explaining. I believe you. I'm sorry for your losses and I apologize for making you come here but we had to know if you were a security risk or not. You didn't need to tell me all that, but I appreciate it." He pauses, thinking for a moment.

"Alec had a sudden change in behavior and we needed to make sure it wasn't some tactic, brought on by outside help. He's... given me information regarding the place where he came from and it was so unusual that I had to be sure it wasn't a trick. I still can't explain why he changed his mind but I'm glad he did. I didn't want to see him go to prison and I'm sure you didn't either."

Picking up some papers, Reese straightens them out then nods to Ryan. "You're free to go, Miss McKade." He catches her eye, not afraid to look into her strong gaze. "If you or your brother ever need legal help, please come here first. And... feel free to visit Alec before you go. His door should be unlocked."

Alec says no more and just watches Hope leave. Something worth hanging on to... yeah... The wry thought crosses his mind that it could apply literally as well, and he shakes his head.

Sighing, he lets himself lie down on his side, curling up a little bit. He usually didn't lie in this defensive position, but today, for some reason, he felt like it. He could feel the chain beneath his shirt as his head sinks into his pillow. Something to hold on to... even if he wanted to, it was kind of hard when he was a prisoner.

Ty is glad that Libby will let him quit for now, but he feels badly. When they'd met earlier, he'd been enthusiastic about trying again, but now he was just frustrated all over again. He'd thought he could stay excited this time... but it never got better.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I really do want to try. I just... my brain seems to shut down completely and I can't think straight. Nothing looks right anymore." He nods though and stacks up the books. "I'll keep working on it. If I got questions, I can always ask Wyatt - the guy I live with."

Trying to move on without too much embarrassment, he starts to smile a little again. "Video games sound fun. I don't have to be to work until seven tonight so I got all day. I wouldn't mind hanging out some more."

His grin shows it was more than him just not minding - he'd rather like it. It was nice having a new friend to hang out with and Libby was a lot of fun to be around. "You got the truck, so I'm at your mercy. Lead away."

Trent's eyes drift down to study the table's napkin holder. He knew there would be tough questions, but did it have to start with the toughest? He sighs.

"I don't know." His hands rotate his coffee cup a few more times, his gaze still aimed downward. "It happened because..." He pauses. "No... it wasn't the Agency's fault... it was mine."

Finally he looks back up at Thirteen, sadness in his eyes for a past long gone yet part of today. "It happened because your mother and I made a mistake. You weren't a mistake," he emphasizes clearly. "But we weren't careful, so the mistake was ours. And this all happened because my family and I were tagged from birth, targeted by the Agency. And you were born into the mess at no fault of your own."

Looking back down again, he stares into his coffee, the light steam curling into the air. "I remember holding you when you were born," he mentions softly. "You were so tiny... but you gave your mom quite a time. No one else knew... I was scared to death... disappointed in myself... but seeing you for the first time... I suddenly knew what it was like to love something so much you'd die for it."

Trent's eyes are filled with emotions as he lifts them to find Thirteen's. "Your mother and I hadn't been that serious about each other... we had a pretty shallow relationship going. But when you were born... we thought maybe we'd have a go at something better. I know I wanted to. Before I could even tell my family though, there was a car accident. Grace was killed and you were taken by the Agency."

He shrugs lamely. "They said I had to work for them or else they'd kill you too. So I obeyed... I even betrayed my own family in ways that still haunt me."

Needing a break, he takes a shaky sip of his coffee.

Ryder looks across at Trent, proud of this man for sharing the story and not just skimming over Thirteen's questions. It took someone strong to admit what had happened. His hand gives Thirteen's fingers as squeeze to let her know he was still there.

Trent sighs deeply, keeping himself composed. "I did a lot of things wrong, fighting to find you and get you out. My family didn't know because I was in too deep by then and I was too dumb to rely on them or admit my past mistakes. I wound up in jail. Then when you would have been about twelve, I got word that you'd gotten sick and died."

Starting to get choked up, his eyes roam the room, his jaw muscles working out the tension he felt. "If I would have known you were alive, I would have come for you, I swear." He looks back to her, his eyes begging her to believe him. "When I found out that you really were alive... that you were in Nevada... I just... I couldn't bring myself to tell you everything. It had been so long... I felt so guilty for everything... I just... I didn't want you to know all the bad. So I thought... I thought I could take care of you from a distance... through Ryder."

He swallows hard and clears his throat, shifting in his seat. "So that's why."

Lite Fire

Looking up at her father Thirteen holds Ryder's hand next to her on the little booth seat. She was scaired, not of Trent, but for the first time she got to sit across from her father and was able to ask any question she wanted.

Weeks, even months ago she'd had a whole speech prepared for the day when she found her dad, and than attached to that she had questions. But now the time came, and he was sitting in front of her, and what she had written down just didn't seem to mater anymore. Now, she seemed to only have one question to ask.


It could mean anything, or say she wanted to know anything but it was the only question she had now.

"Why did this happen? Why didn't you want me to know who you were? Why did you let them take me there for so long?"

Thirteen continues to look at her father from the other side of the table. Her eyes held no anger twords Trent just wonder, maybe a little pain, but this was something she had to do and stuff she needed to know so she could stop wondering. Once these questions were answered about the past, she could move on with getting to know her father.

Wrapping her arm around Ty's shoulder Libby new this was hard for him. For anyone his age, it was harder to learn than it was as a child. Living for so many years doing something one way, it was so hard to get out of the groove and form a new one. Almost like a bad habit that needed to be broken.

"Ok, we don't have to do anymore for now. But I'd like you to take this home with you so you can keep practicing. Giving up so soon your only going to be stuck like you are now. You just need to train your brain, and keep at it. Starting and stopping, than starting again after so long is only making you frustrated. Its like learning to play a piano, you have to keep at it, keep looking at it. Because if you do one lesson, and than go a month or two your going to forget everything you know because your not giving you mind the time it needs."

Giving his back a gentile rub she reaches for her cup and takes a long sip of it. Pushing the books way for new she new Ty had enough and the last thing she wanted to do was to keep pushing him into doing something he didn't want.

"All work and no play makes...for a dull and boring day..?"

Libby's mouth moves into a silly smile as she shakes her head at herself. Sometimes she amazed herself with the stupidest things she said.

"I want to come over to my place and watch a movie or play some video games? I think everyone it off to work at the moment, and I have everything set up in my room so we wouldn't have to worry about being bothered...I don't think."

It wasn't every day and Libby didn't know if it was even a good idea to invite Ty over but she wanted to spend some more time with him just having a little fun.

Continuing to just watch Reese Ryan still had no idea what any of this was about. Obveusly it was about Alec, but it ended there...was he heart, did he escape, what was really going on here. About to ask Reese what this was really all about knowing her right she stops seeing the footage come up on the monitor.

Feeling the color come to her face all Ryan can do is sit and watch the words seeming to be caught in her throat. She felt so embarrassed right now, she didn't even know what to do or think. As the footage is turned off Ryan looks down into her lap unable to look back at Reese. She didnt even have all the answers herself, how was she going to tell him.

"You can do a background check on me Mr. Reese all you want, but you will come up empty handed each time you look."

Letting out a sigh Ryan continues to look down at her hands. She new how the system worked, and if she was going to get Reese off her back, she was going to have to start at the beginning. Looking up at Reese Ryan starts.

"I am the youngest in my family, I have a brother John, and than the oldest is Eli. My mother died shortly after I was born and the only think I remember of her, is her smile. My brother John had her smile and I never forgot it."

Bringing these memories up, and pulling forward the thing she hated to the most, the memories it made her sick. But she had started, now she had to finish.

"My father raised us the best her could, and for being a single father with three kids he did a pretty darn good job. He owned his own auto shop, and worked day and night to put food on our table. All three of us help him, I mostly sat on my little blanket over by the office wall playing with my toy trucks and little tool box. Knowing better than to move off that blanket. I guess you could say thats where my love for working on cars came from. The smell of Oil, getting dirty, it all reminds me of my father."

Drawing in a shaky breath Ryan could feel her emotions to the breaking point through she remained in control, it was hard.

"Life wasn't as good for us as some peoples but to us we loved it and wouldn't have changed it for the world. Than one day there was an accident at the auto shop. On of the jacks that was holding the car he was working on gave way and..."

Ryan stops for a moment swallowing hard, and closes her eyes.

"...he was dead before the paramedics could even get there. After that Eli tryed to raise John and I, but things were never the same. With out Pop around...our family was falling apart. John always blamed himself for what happened since he was the one who had jacked the car up for Pop. As the time went on, none of use could deal. John got into some trouble and ended up robbing a convenient store with a gun. I always said he wanted to get caught and thats why he did it, because he thought it was what he deserved for what happened to Pop. For Eli and I that had been the last straw and we went our separate ways for a very long time. Now I work in an auto shop and on the side for extra money I street race on the outskirts of town. I like how going fast feels, the rush when you take off."

Opening her eyes again a small tear seemed to be locked in Ryan's eye but was not aloud to come out, she kept it tucked away, even though it tried to its hardest to break free.

"...It's been a very long time since I had seen both my brothers. Than a near close death that involved me needed blood brought my brother Eli back to me. Now he lives with me. But still John I have not seen in a long time. I tried to contact the prison where he was at because I wanted to see them but he was transported and for some reason they wouldn't tell me where."

Rolling her eyes Ryan knows she was being long winded and this was a lot more than Reese wanted so she better cute to the point.

"..Anyways I wasn't lieing to you, it was only a few months ago when I first met Alec in a bar. He looked like someone who could use help, and I guess I have more of my dad in me than I ever saw. He reminded me of John in a way. Very angry at the world because he was angry at himself. Trying to run from his problems. That ended bad, with me dropping him off some where like I said. Than I found out he was here, and he reminded me of John even more. I never could help my brother and I wish I could have. So Alec being here I though maybe I could get my second chance to help someone."

Shaking her head and letting out another sigh Ryan points to the monitor than looks back at Reese.

"As for that...I don't even know what that was. I started coming here because of my brother, and than I kept coming back because of Alec. There is just something about him...and I don't even know what it is. So there you go Mr. Reese you have helped me dig open old scars, and know my life story. If you still feel the need to do a background check on me feel free because all you'll find is a few speeding tickets all payed for on time."

Giving a thoughtful nod to Alec Hope listens watching his eyes and his body movements. He was much difference from when she first had seen him. His cocky air was there, and he still had the steel cold eyes, but there was now something behind them, a small light had been formed, and burned in his soul.

"Well, lets hope you get out of here. That is what I am rooting for. Thank you Alec for taking the time to talk to me."

Standing Hope goes to the door but stops before going out. Turning around she looks at Alec again for a long moment.

"Somethings different about you Alec than from the first time I met you. You seem...like someone has relite that fire behind your eyes. Who ever it was, has to be someone worth holding on to."

Turning again Hope leaves the room and heads abck to her own to write up a report for Reese.