

Alec gives a little scoff. "Yeah... I guess they figured since I actually got out of the ankle bracelet they gave me, they better keep an eye on me. Can't blame them I guess, but their security is annoying."

Eying Ryan a moment, he's a little surprised she'll let him keep driving, but he doesn't say no. For the first time in months, he was having just a little bit of fun. "McDonalds... but I don't know how to get there from here so you'll have to direct me."

Pulling out cautiously onto the street again, he makes sure the car isn't in sight anymore, and heads to the fast food restaurant. Once through the line and getting their food, Alec parks the car in a grassy lot, not too far from TJY. Shutting off the engine, he sighs, looking at the clock. "Fifteen minutes. Even I can't eat that fast. Reese'll just have to wait."

He reaches into the bag and pulls out his sandwich. "You can blame me. I'm toast anyway."

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