
Oh boy!

Hearing the car door, and the gravel beneath Alec's feet Ryan turns her head just a little to one side her eyes following him as he came back to in front of her. As his head comes close to her, his arms on ether side, it forces Ryan back just a little more.

Looking into his eyes, and seeing the glint had returned it sends Ryan's heart pounding again. Every time it sounded louder than the last for sure thinking one of these times Alec would hear it himself.

Hearing his words but not replying to them right away, Ryan takes in Alec's gaze, memorizing his eyes, his look. Her own fire still blazing right. Lifting herself up just a little Ryan brings her lips to Alec's for a moment before retreating again. Her head still very close to his.

"I guess it's only fair."

Leaning back on just one of her arms Ryan brings the other to the side of Alec's face her thumb just maping his cheek bone for a moment. Finally though she slips her hand behind his head. Intertwining her fingers with his hair.

Pulling him forward closer to her, Ryan's lips meet his one more. The passion that seemed to have built up from this brief moment of holding it back, let go all at once. Pulling away and turning her head the other way Ryan brought her lips back to his once again, not giving to much time in between.

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