
Lite Fire

Looking up at her father Thirteen holds Ryder's hand next to her on the little booth seat. She was scaired, not of Trent, but for the first time she got to sit across from her father and was able to ask any question she wanted.

Weeks, even months ago she'd had a whole speech prepared for the day when she found her dad, and than attached to that she had questions. But now the time came, and he was sitting in front of her, and what she had written down just didn't seem to mater anymore. Now, she seemed to only have one question to ask.


It could mean anything, or say she wanted to know anything but it was the only question she had now.

"Why did this happen? Why didn't you want me to know who you were? Why did you let them take me there for so long?"

Thirteen continues to look at her father from the other side of the table. Her eyes held no anger twords Trent just wonder, maybe a little pain, but this was something she had to do and stuff she needed to know so she could stop wondering. Once these questions were answered about the past, she could move on with getting to know her father.

Wrapping her arm around Ty's shoulder Libby new this was hard for him. For anyone his age, it was harder to learn than it was as a child. Living for so many years doing something one way, it was so hard to get out of the groove and form a new one. Almost like a bad habit that needed to be broken.

"Ok, we don't have to do anymore for now. But I'd like you to take this home with you so you can keep practicing. Giving up so soon your only going to be stuck like you are now. You just need to train your brain, and keep at it. Starting and stopping, than starting again after so long is only making you frustrated. Its like learning to play a piano, you have to keep at it, keep looking at it. Because if you do one lesson, and than go a month or two your going to forget everything you know because your not giving you mind the time it needs."

Giving his back a gentile rub she reaches for her cup and takes a long sip of it. Pushing the books way for new she new Ty had enough and the last thing she wanted to do was to keep pushing him into doing something he didn't want.

"All work and no play makes...for a dull and boring day..?"

Libby's mouth moves into a silly smile as she shakes her head at herself. Sometimes she amazed herself with the stupidest things she said.

"I want to come over to my place and watch a movie or play some video games? I think everyone it off to work at the moment, and I have everything set up in my room so we wouldn't have to worry about being bothered...I don't think."

It wasn't every day and Libby didn't know if it was even a good idea to invite Ty over but she wanted to spend some more time with him just having a little fun.

Continuing to just watch Reese Ryan still had no idea what any of this was about. Obveusly it was about Alec, but it ended there...was he heart, did he escape, what was really going on here. About to ask Reese what this was really all about knowing her right she stops seeing the footage come up on the monitor.

Feeling the color come to her face all Ryan can do is sit and watch the words seeming to be caught in her throat. She felt so embarrassed right now, she didn't even know what to do or think. As the footage is turned off Ryan looks down into her lap unable to look back at Reese. She didnt even have all the answers herself, how was she going to tell him.

"You can do a background check on me Mr. Reese all you want, but you will come up empty handed each time you look."

Letting out a sigh Ryan continues to look down at her hands. She new how the system worked, and if she was going to get Reese off her back, she was going to have to start at the beginning. Looking up at Reese Ryan starts.

"I am the youngest in my family, I have a brother John, and than the oldest is Eli. My mother died shortly after I was born and the only think I remember of her, is her smile. My brother John had her smile and I never forgot it."

Bringing these memories up, and pulling forward the thing she hated to the most, the memories it made her sick. But she had started, now she had to finish.

"My father raised us the best her could, and for being a single father with three kids he did a pretty darn good job. He owned his own auto shop, and worked day and night to put food on our table. All three of us help him, I mostly sat on my little blanket over by the office wall playing with my toy trucks and little tool box. Knowing better than to move off that blanket. I guess you could say thats where my love for working on cars came from. The smell of Oil, getting dirty, it all reminds me of my father."

Drawing in a shaky breath Ryan could feel her emotions to the breaking point through she remained in control, it was hard.

"Life wasn't as good for us as some peoples but to us we loved it and wouldn't have changed it for the world. Than one day there was an accident at the auto shop. On of the jacks that was holding the car he was working on gave way and..."

Ryan stops for a moment swallowing hard, and closes her eyes.

"...he was dead before the paramedics could even get there. After that Eli tryed to raise John and I, but things were never the same. With out Pop around...our family was falling apart. John always blamed himself for what happened since he was the one who had jacked the car up for Pop. As the time went on, none of use could deal. John got into some trouble and ended up robbing a convenient store with a gun. I always said he wanted to get caught and thats why he did it, because he thought it was what he deserved for what happened to Pop. For Eli and I that had been the last straw and we went our separate ways for a very long time. Now I work in an auto shop and on the side for extra money I street race on the outskirts of town. I like how going fast feels, the rush when you take off."

Opening her eyes again a small tear seemed to be locked in Ryan's eye but was not aloud to come out, she kept it tucked away, even though it tried to its hardest to break free.

"...It's been a very long time since I had seen both my brothers. Than a near close death that involved me needed blood brought my brother Eli back to me. Now he lives with me. But still John I have not seen in a long time. I tried to contact the prison where he was at because I wanted to see them but he was transported and for some reason they wouldn't tell me where."

Rolling her eyes Ryan knows she was being long winded and this was a lot more than Reese wanted so she better cute to the point.

"..Anyways I wasn't lieing to you, it was only a few months ago when I first met Alec in a bar. He looked like someone who could use help, and I guess I have more of my dad in me than I ever saw. He reminded me of John in a way. Very angry at the world because he was angry at himself. Trying to run from his problems. That ended bad, with me dropping him off some where like I said. Than I found out he was here, and he reminded me of John even more. I never could help my brother and I wish I could have. So Alec being here I though maybe I could get my second chance to help someone."

Shaking her head and letting out another sigh Ryan points to the monitor than looks back at Reese.

"As for that...I don't even know what that was. I started coming here because of my brother, and than I kept coming back because of Alec. There is just something about him...and I don't even know what it is. So there you go Mr. Reese you have helped me dig open old scars, and know my life story. If you still feel the need to do a background check on me feel free because all you'll find is a few speeding tickets all payed for on time."

Giving a thoughtful nod to Alec Hope listens watching his eyes and his body movements. He was much difference from when she first had seen him. His cocky air was there, and he still had the steel cold eyes, but there was now something behind them, a small light had been formed, and burned in his soul.

"Well, lets hope you get out of here. That is what I am rooting for. Thank you Alec for taking the time to talk to me."

Standing Hope goes to the door but stops before going out. Turning around she looks at Alec again for a long moment.

"Somethings different about you Alec than from the first time I met you. You seem...like someone has relite that fire behind your eyes. Who ever it was, has to be someone worth holding on to."

Turning again Hope leaves the room and heads abck to her own to write up a report for Reese.

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