

Searching Carson's eyes Misty thinks for a moment a little surprised by his suggestion. But it only takes a few moments for her to ragain herself as a large grin makes its way to her lips.

"Carson Banks, are you asking me to marry you sooner? Because if you are, my answer is yes. As long as your sure."

Misty's eyes glowed as her heart fluttered. They hadn't set a date, she didn't have anything ready for a wedding but that didn't seem to bother her. Things would fall into place at they were meant to, Misty had no worry about that.

Hope gives a nod and a smile. She new she was going on unofficial, official business but she was happy about seeing Rosetta again too. It had been a long time since she had seen her friend.

"Ok sounds great. Let her know we will pick up something for lunch for everyone too. Our treat for someone last minute and all."

Once Scott was gone Hope concentrated on a few other things she was doing. Every once and a while remembering something and slipping it in her bag that she might need for there trip.

Bree gives a nod to JT as she listens to where he says they are. Looking over his shoulder for a moment at Amanda as she gives a small wave. Slightly Bree lift her hand to wave back.

Looking back to JT Bree thinks about his question for a moment before giving a shrug. Her voice comes very quiet not even a whisper.

"I don't know how to feel right now."

Her eyes still seemed tired still as she pulled her legs close to her. Her body still hurt all over and maybe it was a deeper pain than just her body. But a betrayal of her own parents once again. It hurt, though she never got along with her parents they were just that and she had always hoped they would change. But that thought was crushed now.

Continuing to look at her brother Annie thinks for a long moment. Not sure what to think now. It did seems a bit odd, and she didnt know how to feel about it but was it really any of her business?

"Lets keep an eye on it, and see what happens. If there is anything more that comes of it we can worry about it than...ok?"

Looking past Jim as Faith comes up the walk way Annie nods giving a smile at her friends. Was it ok to be talking to her brother about what she was? Faith was her friend, would there really be something horrable about Faith and Sparky together?

"Good Morning Faith. Didn't think you would be up this early."

Tucking her pockets into her jean jacket Faith gives a smile and a nod. It was rather early but she new Sparky would be up and she was hopping to catch him before chorse instead of waiting till this afternoon when they started riding.

"Jim, Annie Nice to see you both. I figured I might as well be up at the crack of dawn with the rest of you all. I was told missing breakfest would be bad seeing as the omelets here are amazing."

Not really stopping Faith continues on and inside the dinning hall. Scanning the room for who she was looking for Faith gives a smile and walks over to him with a small wave.

"Good Morning! I wasnt sure if I would catch you at breakfest or not. Did you sleep well?"

Once Faith was gone Annie looks to Jim again raising an eyebrow.She didnt know what to think.

"Do you really think it would be something to worry about?"

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