

Carson's eyes widen as Misty holds down his hands, and a laugh comes out as she starts to kiss him. "Mm..." He kisses her back as her lips come around to his each time. Feeling her lips on his neck, he gives a teasing cat growl.

It takes him a few moments, but he finally manages to squirm loose of her grip. Twisting his legs around hers, he throws her off balance, but manages to catch her before she flies off the couch. In one swift movement, he's rolled over, having them completely trade places.

Now with the upper hand, Carson lies on Misty's stomach, looking down into her eyes, his own sparking. "I ought to tickle you more often. Either that, or you need to give me a kiss attack more often."

He pauses in thought before going in for her lips. He kisses her deeply before drawing away again. "That was my kiss attack."

Propping himself up on his elbows on either side of Misty, he rests his chin in his hands, barely inches from her face and gives a contented sigh. "So... after we get hitched, we gonna take over this apartment or yours?"

Jade leans her face into Dan's hand, closing her eyes, just to open them again and see his same intense stare. His words made her feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Bending her neck to give him one more kiss, she pulls away, smiling. "I'm hungry," she confesses out of nowhere, then giggles. "We should probably get in where it's warm anyway."

Her eyes sparkle, telling Dan that she could really stay here forever, but better to leave well enough alone and leave the barn until another day. Sitting up, she picks some hay off of herself and some off Dan too. "Might not wanna walk in the dining room all covered in hay," she muses. "We want to leave them something for their imagination."

Laughing, she rolls off the bales and waits for Dan to accompany her out of the hayloft and to the dining hall to grab some leftovers.

The evening passes without event - to some that was no small feat. And when the sun comes up again, it finds the ranch just starting to wake. Clouds dotted the sky, but the sun would not be stopped, and light shone through, spreading a new day's warmth on the land.

Sparky sits in a quiet corner of the dining hall, sipping on a warm cup of coffee. He was up early again, unable to sleep any longer. The first one inside, he'd made the coffee with the intent of getting warmed up before going out to the barn. Ever since Mick was gone, Sparky had made it his intention to be one of the the first to the barn and to keep an eye on things. Today was no different, but much more was on his mind than usual. Most of what passed through his thoughts made him smile.

JT stirs, not wanting to wake up until he remembers where he is. Then his eyes fly open and he sits bolt upright, adrenaline pumping. Seeing Bree safe in bed though, his nerves calm.

Sliding from bed, he moves around to Bree, sitting down beside her and reaching down to tuck some hair behind her ear. He brushes her cheek with his hand and just sits, not wanting to wake her up too abruptly, but needing to know how she was feeling now too.

Not forgetting he was alone, he glances to the other side of the room to see if Amanda was up yet or not.

Jim ambles towards the dining hall. Becky wasn't up yet, so he hadn't wanted to make a lot of noise. Instead, he'd get his coffee with the others today, then go help in the barn. On his way though, he sees Annie and stops, waving her over to walk with her.

He smiles. "Good morning." Tucking his hands in his pocket, he yawns. But as they near the mess hall, he stops for a moment, having his sister stop with him. "Annie..." He cringes a little, not knowing if he should say something or not. "I don't want to make any assumptions or anything but... I don't know... I just thought someone else should know. Yesterday... well I saw..." He pauses, feeling as though he were stepping over many boundaries here. At the same time though, his concerns won over. "Is there something going on between Faith and Sparky?"

Scott ambles into Hope's makeshift office and sits on the corner of her desk, uninvited but knowing he was welcome. "Morning, sunshine." Smiling at her, his eyes held a warmth in them. "I'm planning to split from here about three this afternoon. I got that jet reserved. You still coming along?"

Reese knocks on Angelica's door, and when he hears her voice, he enters slowly. Smiling at her, he wished he'd had more time to spend with her lately. As it was though, work had gotten the best of both of them.

But during the day, it was time for work, not socializing, and both of them kept that balance pretty well. "Angelica..." He sighs and folds his arms. "I know you're busy but... I was wondering if you could go see Gunner this morning. I got clearance and he was asking for you yesterday. I don't know what's going on, but he's not talking to anybody else."

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