
Gotten into you...

Seeing the mark on Travis arm Angel thinks for a long moment. Did they have something for Agency poison still? It had been so long ago. She was sure they made some more just in case.

   "It's been a long time but I think we might have something."

Leaving the two for a moment Angel goes into her back room rustling around quickly. What if this was a different kind of poison, what if this wouldn't work? They wouldnt have time to research and try to figure out something better. All she could do was hope.

   "I found it. Pray this works."

Removing the antibiotics Angel hooks up the antidote in its place before checking the drop and increasing the flow. Looking down at Travis she said a silent prayer that his worked.

   "Keep breathing sweetheart. It's going to be ok."

Taking his hand in her own she ran her fingers over his taking her other hand and putting a cool washcloth on his head. She'd forgotten how scary this could be. Dang the Agency for giving a quick reminder about how they would never stop. She should of known, should of kept her own guard up.

  "Stay with us please....Travis. We just found you, we can't lost you already."

Jamie cant help but laugh, and than a little louder as Con tickled her neck with his kiss. Playfully slapping him she cant help but laugh more trying to wiggle out from undering him. She didn't hate this but she couldn't just give in. Returning the kiss its broken one more by his growling stomach and she laughs.

   "Something sure has gotten into you tonight...and as much as I like it, i better feed that stomach before it eats itself."

Leaning up Jamie kisses his lips before pulling away and just smiling up at him for a long moment she eyes twinkling like they use to so long ago. How she has missed this, and how happy not just for herself but for Con too that things went well and he was in a good mood.

   "I cooked a big dinner, and didnt eat it all. If you can kindly get off me, I can warm you up some. That's completely up to you though."

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