

Grateful for Angel's help, Travis took several sips of the cool water before letting her take it away again. He wasn't sure water had ever tasted so good. Leaning his head back in his pillow, he swallowed and winced, but tried to give Angel a little smile anyway. 

"Total crap," he croaked hoarsely. "That 'bout sums it up." He didn't understand why he was so sick, but it hurt trying to figure it out. He tried to talk again, but his voice was almost completely gone. Trying again, he managed, "I don't feel like...like eating...but I'm hungry." He knew that didn't makes sense, and gave her an apologetic look. He didn't mean to be difficult. He just wasn't so sure he could keep anything down, but he still hadn't gotten hardly any food in himself since almost being starved. 

His eyes fell shut as his body tried rest, but he forced them open again. "Sorry," he mumbled a whisper. "I don't...don't wanna be a....bother."

Con wrapped his arms around Jamie and held her close, just soaking up her sweet affection. He pulled back for a moment to see her eyes. "I'm sorry," he apologized softly. "I didn't realize I'd been so distant."

His hands gently rubbed her back. "You've been so patient....thank you." Slipping a hand behind her head, he brought her face close to his again to resume his kiss to her lips, allowing it to linger and deepen, expression just how much he did love her, even if he hadn't shown it enough lately. His legs hooked around hers playfully to keep her from going anywhere. As his stomach growled again though, a laugh broke his kiss and he smirked up at Jamie. "Dang stomach doesn't want me to have any fun. If I eat something, can we pick this up where we left off?" His eyes twinkled with humor.

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