
Call Anyone

Thirteen can't help the laugh that escaped her lips. The last few weeks there had been more good days, than bad days and she'd really enjoyed becoming friends with Aerith. At least she had one friend she enjoyed hanging out with aside from Ryder.

Hearing the bell on the door Thirteen looks to Aerith. They must have forgot to lock it after the last customer had left. Looking at Aerith Thirteen shakes her head with a smile before heading twords the door from the back room.

   "I'll get it."

Heading out while holding a plate, and a towel to dry it off Thirteen's mind really wasn't on the person who had just walked in. She was thinking about many different things and mainly about what Ryder and herself were going to be doing once he picked her up shortly. 

  "Hey, Sorry but we are closed. We must have forgot to lock the front door. Can we get you a soda or coffee for the inconvenience?"

Clearing the fog from her head and looking twords the strange that walked in Thirteen couldn't help the uneasy feeling that came over her. She'd been doing really good around people, and in different situations but something about this...there was something that almost sent panic through her.

Moving around the table he was at and being able to see his face better Thirteen instantly got flash backs of her time with the Agency. Everything she'd been though and this face, this man, he'd been there too. No...this couldn't happen...not now. Dropping the plat on the floor it shattered with a loud crash, and not being able to help the yell that came from her lips. Panic took over.

   "No...No...Aerith...call the cops...call Ryder, call Carson, call anyone...No...Please...I dont want to go back...I dont want to go back please."

   "You are welcome. I really enjoyed it too. It was nice."

Misty looks down at the table before looking up at Carson again. She really had missed having dinner with him even if this time it was a little awkward. But the time was coming when she new Carson would have to leave and she'd be home with her own thoughts. She new he'd have to go but she hated the thought of being alone in the house.

   "We will have to plan something else another time. I wont be back to work right away I dont think. Unless I get really bored here, but you know my number. I'll...be looking forward to it."

   As night feel and Victoria was outside among the stars she couldn't help but miss Garret more. No one would know that part of her heart or the pain she felt from it but it was there and she felt it all to much. She couldn't dwell on that now, not while trying to do a mission or she just might give Aaron that leverage over her he needed. 

   "I think in this situation small will be better. I looked up one of Garret's aliases that he would only use if he was in trouble and sure enough it had been used. He's in the US, and the only reason I could think of he'd end up being there is if The Elite is in on it, and after the whole mess with that Banks kid, I can see a reason for them to retaliate."

Leaning her head back and looking up at the sky Victoria is quiet for a long moment as she just lets her mind wonder. She was trying to formulate a plan and she was trying to do it fast. Who new what the Elite were doing to Garret, or worse. 

   "We should leave tomorrow. It might take a bit to track down where they are, and I'd like to not wast to many days. The sooner we find Garret. the sooner we can take or revenge and be back."

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