

"Of course... I'll yell loud." Tal tried to sound more excited than he felt. He just wanted Ryan to be okay, and she seemed like she was miles away. "See you at the finish line."

He was going to give her a kiss for luck, but just as he moved closer, she was off to get in place. He sighed and hooked his hands in his pockets as he wandered to a good lookout point. She might have some obscure plans after the race, but he'd at least see how she came out and tell her goodnight.

As Victoria spoke, Aaron's pulse quickened. Perhaps his strategy had been flawed. Garret had always warned him that his cockiness would be the death of him, and at the moment, it seemed he was getting close to that line. Had he stepped too far?

He couldn't help an almost-silent breath of relief as Victoria backed down. He was no match for her, and had pushed his luck about as far as he could. Her relenting to work with him was all he'd wanted. If anyone could locate Garret, it was her, and he'd apparently been right. It had taken her even less time than he'd anticipated. 

He turned to her and gave a nod. "I'll put in my request with your grandfather. I've little doubt he'll deny me my wish since he too knows your skills." He started to leave, pausing only once to look back. "We'll get Garret back. And whoever took him will pay." The main house was now his destination. A meeting with Medridge was in store...

"...I'd like Victoria on my team, Sir." 

Medridge sat behind his desk, his eyes narrowing at Aaron's request. "You know I've had her on lockdown. I cannot risk losing her along with Garret."

"Indeed. But she's also a huntress by nature. I have little doubt I can locate Garret, and even less doubt Victoria can succeed in half the time. She would be a strong addition to the team. I would view it as wise strategy to allow her to accompany me in the search."

Medridge gave him a thin smile. "You speak too smoothly for your own good. Garret warned me you were meant for more than a simple lookout guard."

Aaron stood a little taller. "Let me prove my usefulness in this, and you won't be disappointed."

Medridge thought for what seemed forever until he spoke again. "So be it. But this case requires stealth. Whoever took Garret will most likely expect a large retrieval force. I would prefer a quick and simple rescue that will take them by surprise with little risk to Garret's life. As such, you are to have a team of only four. Use who you may, and utilize them as you see fit. Bear in mind that should Victoria wish a move contrary to your own, she has the authority. Is that understood?"

Aaron hid his displeasure. He knew he could never get around the fact that as Medridge's granddaughter, Victoria would always trump any other agent. "Yes sir."

"Good." Medridge waved him to the door. "Go. I don't wish to see you again until you have a plan of action..."

"...So that's what we've got." Aaron leaned against the guard house, his eyes roaming upwards at the dark sky. Only a few stars were visible through the lights at this end of the compound. It was a quiet and fairly private place though, at this time of night. It was also the first chance he'd had to meet with Victoria again. "I was hoping for a larger team, but maybe he's right - maybe smaller would be better."

He glanced over at her. "Do you really know where Garret is?"

Carson was quick to accept Misty's suggestion, glad for something to do. He missed helping her get supper ready. He missed coming home to her cooking after he'd stared at pizza all day. He missed...being home. But if he said all that, she might take it the wrong way...so he remained quiet. 

Eating with her was just as awkward. Yet even though this was a most terrible kind of day after the most terrible circumstances, there was something peaceful about this. Maybe it was the simple presence of hope. Carson tried to make conversation by smalltalk of the restaurant, recent visits with Mackenzie and the like. It was so strange that talking was this difficult, but maybe it was at least a start.

With plates cleared and his water glass almost empty, he knew he'd have to leave soon. He didn't want to. But he knew had to. This was all part of taking things slow, right?

His fingers fiddled with his water glass as his eyes glanced over at Misty. "Thank you...for supper. It was really good and... I really enjoyed coming over."

Garret adjusted his backpack strap on his shoulder and continued walking down the dark sidewalk. His black cap was pulled down low, but his senses were on full alert. Clad in a dark shirt, cargo pants and laced-up boots, one might take a guess that he was some kind of military, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

The car he'd "borrowed" during the last two days had been abandoned on the other side of town, and he'd taken a winding route on foot since then, leaving his identity virtually untraceable. It was now late evening, and the streets were growing quieter. Arriving at the little restaurant's window, Garret peered inside the dim interior. The closed sign on the door indicated all customers would be gone - a good thing.

Ignoring the sign, Garret tried the door and found it open. He stepped inside, his eyes rising as the bell announced his presence. He could hear movement back in the kitchen, but instead of heading that direction, he pulled out a chair from one of the tables and sat, letting his backpack rest on the floor near his feet. He knew someone would have heard him enter, and was prepared to let them come to him.

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