
Bitter Word

Continuing to listen to Carson Katie was still a bit confused. She had missed lots of stuff while she was gone for sure and it was all still so confusing. Why had Carson left Misty? Was it because of the baby, did something happen where they had a big fight? Seeing the look in Carson's eye though and hearing he was now living with someone who was ex agency it made her wonder. 

But Katie wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer to the question but if she could try to help Carson any way she could than she would. As Carson continues to talk and she continues to listen hearing she was going to have a baby and than hearing that she and Jason were not dating Katie could feel her mouth hang up a little much. All that had happened while she was gone?

   "I don't hate you Carson and yes I'd still like to have you make me dinner. It will give me a few moments to soak everything in and break it down."

Though Jason and herself were not dating anymore and she'd found her own path with Hunter Katie couldn't help the small pang that hit her heart anyways. She'd always known Jason and Misty were close but just finding out they were dating now...it...it hurt and she couldn't help that. 

Bitting her low Katie just looks down at the counter for a long moment she trys to get her thoughts together. Honestly she didn't have a right to be upset with Jason, she'd left him, she had a boyfriend now and Jason had moved on now. What Carson was going through really was a much bigger devastation.

   "Carson...I'm so sorry. What...happened if you don't mind me asking! I feel so out of the loop."

Giving a smile and a laugh Beth nodded as she took a sip of her pop. She liked Justin's mom, she was a very nice lady and a good cook as well. It was easy to see where Justin got his good nature from and his love for good food. 

   "Mmmm....can we skip the rest of dinner and jet get to the dessert? I like the sound of that better."

Beth gives a laugh as she looks down at her food and her cheek go a little red. There could be a double meaning in what she said and it was out before she even realized it and it was to late to take it back. 

   "Umm...so...tomorrow I think I am going to go visit Sara, and My friend Zach's Uncle. Might be kind of nice to see them since I haven't in a few days. Than tomorrow...maybe we can get together for dinner again?"

Giving a smile and opening his arms seeing Rosalyn coming twords him he was happy she had a few moments to at least give him a hug. Feeling her arms slip around her and feeling her head on his chest Chad's arms close around her just holding her close for a long few moments. Remembering everything from the last few days. 

   "I just couldn't leave without at least one more goodbye. I know it might make leaving harder but...I just couldn't."

Pulling away and looking down at Rosalyn Chad bends down and places a soft kiss on her lips before pulling away. Looking into the deep pools of her eyes he just studys them for a long few seconds. Taking them in, remembering them for when the days got hard.

Hearing the van horn sound Chad was pulled from his thought. It was way to soon, he wanted ten more minutes though he new that would grow into ten more, and than ten more. It would be a never ending ten minutes.

   "Thank you Rosalyn, you'll never know how much you have helped, meant, and mean to me. Don't lose that shine..grace, love and spark."

Once like it had before Chad can feel a tear form and holds it back. If he cryed now someone would know something was up and he couldn't lead that on, for Rosalyn's sake he couldn't. Never had a goodbye been so hard when one could not see the future.

Taking a few steps back from Rosalyn Chad's hand slips down to hers giving her a note that he'd written. Giving another smile he new he had to go...they were waiting. Turning quickly and making his way back around the mess hall he does his bed to act like himself but it was hard when it felt like part of his heart was being left here.

My Dear Rosalyn,
   I've never been good at goodbyes, and if I couldn't find you I was going to leave this by the apples trees having a feeling you would find it. When you go to bed at night remember to look at the moon, because I'll be looking at it too remembering you. 

   I thank you because you helped me feel again, you help my heart find that feeling that makes it beat and you showed me maybe just maybe throwing my whole life into work was not the best thing. You Rosalyn set me free as much as I did you.

   Goodbye is such a bitter word because even if we were to never meet in this life, when we both go home to our eternal home we'll be there together, so this my Dear is not goodbye but see you later. Don't keep yourself locked up, fight the grain, life your life, spread your wings and learn to fly. 

In my heart you will forever stay, now, tomorrow, day after day!

     Forever and always,


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