
Sparks already?

Katie can't help but laugh at Clint again. It was way to easy to pick on him and rial him up to just let the opportunity pass by. They did always come as perfectly as they had this time. Looking back to Hunter and giving a smile Katie's hand slips into his giving it a light squeeze.

Chad can't help the slightly excited look on his face at the sound of all the food. He mouth watered just thinking about it and he couldn't help his eyes seemed to twinkle. He was like a little kid in a candy shop. It wasn't till Mark gave him a elbow to the gut a little bit that his chest deflates and he sinks down just a little bit.

   "That sounds great than. Thanks so much for letting us join you. I can tell already Katie was right, this is such a God filled place you can just feel it."

 Watching Kaylee take off once again Katie pauses for a second and laughs. A even bigger smile spreads across her lips as she see Mick and Rosetta come through the door. She loved watching how her Uncle interacted with the younger kids. He was so good with them she wondered sometimes why He and Rosetta never had a child but than she figured they had BJ and maybe that was there plan, and they needed nothing more.

Catching sight to movement behind Mick and Rosetta Katie was slightly surprised to see her friends. Pushing her chair out and standing Katie goes over to the smiling and slightly excited giving April a large Hug.

   "April, Chad, Mark, Tina...you guys really came. Oh wow, I am so happy you guys caught me before I left. Wow...I just...its so funny you guys are here. Please come in...Dad can we pull this table closer a little and that way we can all eat together?"

   "Sure we can sit at the table with you dad. We don't mind."

   "You're giving us free food of course we don't mind."

   "Chad do you have to be so rude?"

   "And how am I being rude Tina?"

April just rolls her eyes as everyone gets situated and than she helps bring more food out for them. Setting down there places a little bit of light chatter starts as a few more people were introduced. Being welcomed in like they had been here for days really felt nice and April was happy she choose to come after all.

Looking across the table at Jeff April just study's him for a long moment giving a small smile and taking a sip of her milk. Katie had told her lots about her father and now getting to meet this famous hero was an honor.

   "Katie talks about about you Jeff. You mean a lot to her...I'm happy I have finally got to meet you."

Not being able to help but keep eating Chad loved the food. It tasted so good, some of the best food he had, had in a while. April and Tina liked to cook but it was always from a hotel kitchen and that was limited this...this was something even better. 

Rolling up his sleeves and than moving the bracelet he wore with the iron clasp down it wasn't often he rolls his sleeves up to show his tattoos to people who just met him. He was use to being judged by them before actually getting to know him and how strong his faith was. but here he was comfortable and thought maybe this would be different.

   "Man this is so good. I feel like I haven't eaten in week...you guys must have a famous chef here or something."

Giving a laugh and looking around Hunter a little bit at Chad Katie shakes her head and nods it at the same time before pointing down to Becky and Rosalyn. They were great cooks she would admit and if they every wanted a career path she bet they could becomes chefs.

   "Not famous but I bet they could be. Rosalyn and Becky do most of the cooking for us and boy do they do a good job."

Looking down the tables at the younger girl Katie had pointed out as Rosalyn Chad couldn't help but just take her all in. Her long hair was so pretty it seemed to shine in the sun light, and her eyes were so blue and deep it was like drowning in a pool but not suffocating from it. 

Feeling another jab to the side from Mark Chad shakes his head a little bit before grinning and throwing Rosalyn a wink. She was very pretty indeed and that matched her good good.

  "Well, your a great cook, and I'd eat your food any day. Thanks."

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