

For a few minutes, it seems a little chaotic at that end of the dining room, but Jeff doesn't really mind. He wasn't really settled in yet anyway. Being introduced to the four visitors, he kind of recalls Katie maybe mentioning their names, and he thinks he remembers her saying something about church, but he wasn't positive. Then again, sometimes he wondered if he'd remember his own name if he had to. 

Quietly greeting the group, he helps move the tables around and finds his seat again, along with his plate of food - or, his partial plate of food. He'd bypassed the fried chicken tonight and had stuck with a small salad and some cottage cheese in an attempt to keep something down. 

Across from April, he'd just been letting everybody chat amongst themselves, but being addressed, he smiles. He might never admit it, but knowing Katie talked about him warmed his heart. He chuckles lightly. "Well, I'm not sure just how much can be said about me, but I'm glad whatever she told you must have been good." 

Pausing, he takes a sip of his water, hoping he didn't look as worn out today as he felt. The last few days had been good - today it seemed it had just caught up to him though, to remind him he still needed rest. "I think I remember Katie mentioning your name, but you'll have to forgive me - sometimes my memory isn't what it should be. She knows all of you from church?" 

Sitting at a nearby table, Rosalyn watches with interest as the group comes in and gets settled. Picking some crispy pieces off her chicken, she nibbles on it as she observes the newcomers and tries to put the pieces together about who they were. Obviously friends of Katie. They seemed nice - all smiling at least. The taller guy seemed to be somewhat of a cutup, reminding her a little of Clint. Not realizing it, she watches the man as he starts to eat, unable to help her curiosity at the tattoo near his wrist, and then wondering if there was significance to the bracelet he wore. Not many guys around here wore anything other than wristwatches, if that.

Suddenly realizing Katie had pointed her way and seeing Chad look in her direction, her eyes drop down to her plate. But glancing up again, it's just in time to catch his wink and she can feel her cheeks grow warm - and even warmer at his compliment. She can't help a smile though as she shakes her head and thumbs to Becky across her table. "I just steal her recipes." It wasn't easy for her to take a compliment, especially from a stranger. She didn't like to admit she was a good cook... she rather enjoyed staying in the background and letting others take the credit. Besides, she really did just follow Becky... most of the time. Although maybe Katie knew that she'd been doing more and more of the actual cooking lately. 

"You're welcome though..." Her eyes linger on Chad for another moment or two, the heat remaining in her face until she finally drops her gaze again to take another bite of chicken.

"Awwwww no!"

Rosalyn's eyes shoot up and over a couple tables to Clint to see what on earth was going on, and she has to stifle a snicker. 

Clint presses a napkin to his shirt where he'd just spilled almost his whole glass of iced tea. He wasn't even sure how it had happened. He'd been going to take a sip when he'd turned to talk to Luke and it had just.... spilled. Several people were trying not to laugh, but all he could do was roll his eyes. He seemed to be the center of attention even when he didn't try.

Feeling sorry for her brother, Rosalyn gets up, shaking her head, and goes to his table, picking up his now-empty glass. She was in the habit of serving at the tables anyway. "Here, let me get you some more. Do you need a towel?" 

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Clint swats at her hand. "I'll get more myself."

"No, it's okay, I'm already up."

"So go sit back down!" Clint stands up, also taking hold of the glass and stepping too closely to Rosalyn, knocking her off balance. 

Teetering, she grabs at him so she doesn't fall over. "Clint! Watch what you're doing!"

"Well quit standing in my way!"

"I'm just trying to help!" Rosalyn yanks the glass out of his hand and gives a huff, sending a wisp of hair out of her face. "So sit back down." 

"Not on your life." 

Rosalyn's eyes narrow as she tries not to smile. She could see the laughter in her brother's eyes and could cream him. "Alright. Fine. We both go to the kitchen." Quicker than he could react, she'd pulled his shirt halfway over his head and spun him around, shoving him towards the kitchen. 

"Hey! Cut it out!" Clint wails and tries to free himself, but when he does, he finds himself in a headlock being dragged along by Rosalyn. All he has left, if he didn't really want to hurt her, was tickling. 

Being tickled in the ribs, Rosalyn shrieks and dances sideways, trying to maintain her grip on Clint - and the glass - proving to be quite difficult. "Stop it! Stop it!" Her laughter bubbles over until she finally has to let him go and they both stand breathing heavily at the doorway. She finally rolls her eyes and smacks him in the chest with the glass. "You win. Get your own tea." She looks down at herself, realizing his wet shirt had gotten her a bit wet as well. "Thanks alot." 

"You're blaming me?!" 

Rosalyn reaches up to give him a hearty whack to the side of the head before composing herself and walking daintily back to her seat. 

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