
Something is Wrong

"Mm-hmm...." Hunter mumbles his agreement that this would work as Katie returns to kiss him  again. Slipping one arm around her shoulders, he holds her close while his other hand finds her hair, raking through it gently.

Feeling Katie deepen the kiss, Hunter returns it with just as much passion. Whether he'd planned it or not, he was enjoying being with Katie more and more each day. She was fun, kind, strong, soft... She was special. Problems or not, her affection was sweet and true, and Hunter liked it. 

Time didn't really seem to matter at the moment, and Hunter didn't care how long they were there as long as Katie didn't mind either. Withdrawing once in a while to kiss her cheek lightly or down her neck, he'd return to her lips again, rubbing her back lightly or toying with her hair. Despite his knee keeping him from moving around like he wanted, he made use of the somewhat uncomfortable position. Each time he'd end a kiss to hug her tightly or brush her cheek with his hand, he'd always return again with passion, just enjoying giving and receiving the affection. No words needed to be spoken, and the silence lingers, broken only by soft murmurs of satisfaction. 

Eventually the kisses grow slower and lighter until Hunter was looking up into Katie's eyes, a soft smile lingering as his hands cradle each side of her face. He was glad they had a spot to be alone so it wouldn't matter how long they'd made out. 

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" he asks quietly. The sunlight bounced off her hair and her eyes were so deep and bright. He wasn't just flippantly flirting - he really did mean it. Katie was beautiful, inside and out. "Trying to leave really was crazy." 

Drawn into Chuck's gentle affection, Susanne trembled, but finally allowed him to hold her more closely and kiss her more deeply. She felt a bit awkward at first, not really knowing what to do, but as he continues with patience, she finally figures out how to return the affection softly, though still lets him lead. 

Her hands find their way to the back of his head and her fingers run lightly through his hair. It was smooth and soft and she liked how it felt under her touch. Being so wrapped up in his arms and feeling more passion from him than she ever had before makes her heart race as more tingles run down her spine. Though it was still a bit frightening, it was also exciting and it felt... nice. He liked her enough to kiss her... really kiss her.

As the kiss slows and they part, Susanne realizes that she was out of breath, and it felt like her face was on fire. Finding Chuck's eyes, she can't help a shy giggle. "If I'da known it was this fun, I mighta tried it sooner." She really did feel like a school girl, all timid and clueless. But with Chuck... it didn't seem to matter. He didn't mind and never pushed, and it just made her like him all the more. 

Her fingers stroke his hair a little more as she smiles at him, trying to calm her wild pulse. "Did... did I do okay?" 

A new smile spreads on Jared's face, hoping that Grace really would come early on Friday. She was the only real outside company he had, and maybe he was finally realizing that she really did want to be his friend, even if he didn't understand why. "Okay... talk to you soon." 

Hanging up the phone, he grins at his mom before looking down at the tray she'd set on his lap. "My goodness... are you trying to make me fat?"

Lydia thumps his arm. "Not fat. But you need more meat on your bones. You are too skinny."

Jared's eyes twinkle and he shakes his head. His mother was a little on the heavy side, she sometimes had trouble with English, and food was a priority. But he was beginning to feel that he loved her, and maybe Grace was right - maybe she really did just love him and felt badly for him, not herself. "Well, I'll do my best..." He looks again at he sandwich, fresh fruit, potato salad, cookies and a tall glass of water. While his taste buds certainly wanted all of it, his stomach still gave him a little trouble some days so he was a bit careful, trying not to overeat. He really didn't want to have to go back to the hospital for any more intestinal trouble like he'd started out with. 

"Thanks, Mom."

Lydia smiles and runs her hand down his cheek. "You're welcome. I will be back soon."

Left alone for a while, Jared turns the sound back on to continue watching television while he eats. Talking to Grace had brightened his day and he felt... good. Unaware of what was going on inside his brain and the healing happening though, he had no idea that this was just a calm before the storm...

And two days later, things were much different...

Seeing a car pull into the driveway, Lydia wipes her hands on her dishtowel, having been washing the dishes in the kitchen. Hurrying to the door, she opens it just as Grace steps up onto the porch. For the first time though, she doesn't beckon Grace inside, but instead, joins her on the porch. "Oh, Grace... I was supposed to call you but... but I just could not." Her face was pale, her eyes flooded with worry and pain as her hands wrung her dishtowel nervously. 

"It's Jared. The day before yesterday... in the afternoon, he... he took a nap and... and I don't know what happened. I found him on the floor and he couldn't get up and he was angry and did not want my help." 

Even though it had not just happened, Lydia was still visibly shaken from the ordeal. "I did not know what to do, so I called Justin and he came but all it did was upset Jared more. Justin got him in bed, but had to go, and he said to just leave Jared alone for a while, so I did. But when I took him supper, he would not talk to me and he did not want to eat." 

Tears form in her eyes as she continues to grip her dishtowel. It was obvious that she had not vented this to anyone else. "All day yesterday and today he has still not eaten and he told me he did not want you to come. He said to call you and cancel the appointment but... but I could not. Something is wrong, Grace." Her voice cracks as she sucks in her breath, trying to remain composed. "I... I thought maybe he would talk to you because you are his only friend. I am sorry, I just... I don't know what to do for him and I don't know why he is so upset. I did not tell Justin he was not better because I did not want to bother him any more. If you would rather leave, I understand."

Inside the house, down the hall and in the makeshift bedroom, Jared sits on his bed, fully dressed on top of the covers. He tightens the muscles in his legs but still cannot move them but inches on their own. But it wasn't that which made him so angry. With arms folded across his chest, his dim eyes stare at the blank wall. His head hurt. His stomach hurt. He wished he'd never survived that accident. He wished no one loved him. He wished he had no friend. 

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