
I promise

Hunter returns Katie's kisses and chuckles. "Mm... yeah, never too tired for those, and... yes, it's definitely a good time killer." 

Looking at her out of the corner of his eye, he moves to roll over, his intention to teasingly pin her on her back so he could give her some more kisses. His knee, however, protests an he winds up giving a yelp and returning to his back. Cringing, he lets the pain pass before sighing. "Dang knee... it doesn't want me to have any fun at all." 

Turning his head again, to peer at Katie through the grass, he shrugs. "Well, I guess if you want more, you're gonna have to come back over here since I can't come to you. But you better stay longer this time."

Looking back at Chuck, Susanne feels a little tingle run down her spine. How could those eyes of his lie? They were so deep and so true... truer than any eyes she'd ever seen. Everything about him felt so right. Why was she doubting herself so badly? She knew emotions couldn't be dependable... she knew that just because something felt right, that didn't mean it really was right. But there was more to this... a peace... the sense of fitting... the sense of finally finding something she had been missing. He was safe. Respectful. Godly. Gracious. Kind. Oh, why could she not just accept it and fall into a dream come true? 

Swallowing hard, Susanne realizes that she had started to tremble slightly. Quite unsure of herself, she shifts around until she's sitting sideways in Chuck's lap, her arms wrapped around his neck. He was so big and strong and warm... she liked feeling small next to him, so she could feel protected. 

Searching his eyes, she knew what she wanted to do, she just wasn't exactly sure how, and the more she thought about it, the more unsure she got. She knew that surely he could feel her hands trembling at the back of his neck and she could feel her cheeks growing crimson. 

Leaning in, she cocks her head a little, giving his lips a light kiss like she usually did. Drawing away slightly, she catches his eye again, shrinking back just a little. "I... I don't know what I'm doing," she whispers. "So... so just... kiss me like you want to... I promise I won't pull away this time..." 

Though sighing deeply, Jared really did feel appreciation for Grace's words. "Thanks... I guess part of me just hopes that if I ever do remember, that I'll actually be deserving of her loving me." He still had his doubts after those brief flashes of memories the other day when he'd been in his car and at the park. 

"Lunchtime!" Lydia enters the room carrying a tray from the kitchen. 

Jared smiles and motions her over. "Grace, I gotta go. Mom just brought my lunch. Thanks for talking. I'll... see you in a couple days, right?" 

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