

Just continuing the kiss Katie didn't mind at all letting it deepen and not caring how long they kissed. Here it didn't matter because there was no one to see them or really care. It was just them, the tree, maybe some birds. She loved the emotions that seemed to sir, and how deep yet soft it was. Katie couldn't help the murmurs of pleasure.

Finally as the kiss ends Katie looks down at Hunter and gives a smile. Feeling her cheeks turn a little red Katie searches Hunters eyes. Seeing the emotions that laied in them she new this was not just another flirt but it was something he meant. It made her feel even more special.

   "Thank you Hunter! I really am happy you didn't go...I...I would of missed you a lot."

Leaning down Katie presses her lips to Hunters again before pulling away and scooting herself next to him. Laying her head on his shoulder and her arms across his chest Katie lets out a content sigh. She couldn't think of a better place to be right now than here.

   "I could stay in this moment forever, just you and me."

As Susanne returns the soft kiss that Chuck showed He couldn't help the feelings that seemed to overwhelm him. This moment with Susanne was very special and Chuck would not take it for granted. She's allowed herself to open up a little more to him and share this intimate moment. Her new for her this was a big step.

Giving a small chuckle at her comment Chuck closes his eyes for a moment as Susanne continues to play with his hair the lingering emotions still running through his veins, and the chills up and down his spine. Her touch was so soft, passing over the tiny hairs on his neck just made them stand on end sending more emotions through him.

Hearing Susanne's question Chuck opens his eyes again searching her face before bringing a hand to her cheek and just running his fingers over it for a long moment. Looking into her sweet eyes Chuck's own twinkle with so many things that had been left unsaid, but he would continue to wait for now.

   "It's was better than perfect."

Leaning in Chuck presses his lips to hers again letting them just linger for a moment or two before pulling away and pulling her into a hug letting his head rest against hers.

   "Thank you for letting me share that with you."

Seeing Lydia's face as soon as she answered the door Grace new something was wrong. This woman was always so happy and her eyes always seemed to twinkle with life. Not today though, today they were dark and filled with worry and confutation. That alone made Grace slightly worried too.

Listing to everything Grace shifts her weight for a second. If she had not formed a friendship with Jared she might of just walked away but with him being her friend now she was worried and wanted to get to the bottom of this whole thing and what was happening to her friend.

Laying a hand on Lydia's arm Grace gives a soft smile. She new there was worry in her eyes and rightfully so. It was her fun after all and she couldn't blame her for that.

   "Try not to worry youself to much, I'll see what I can find out ok?"

 Moving past her Grace enters the house and makes her way down the long hall like she had so many times before. This time though when she gets to the door she hesitates for a second. Taking in a deep breath she new this was not going to be easy but it had to be done anyways. Giving a knock on the door Grace enters like she always did. 

   "Hey Jared, I hope your rested because I brought with me my deck of cards again. I totally want a rematch after we work on you legs."

Entering all the way in Grace takes a quick glance around the room. It was dark, the shades were drawn and it seemed miserable in there. Than looking to Jared she smiles but she can see the dark circles under his eyes, and the look on his face that was less than happy. She had to try though, she had to get through to him or at least find out what was wrong so maybe ti could be corrected.

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