
Unwanted phone call

Continuing to brush the horse Ashlee lays her other hand on his neck to keep him calm. Next to being in the tack room Ashlee love being right here brushing the horses. Just the smell it was another thing that Ashlee sure did find comforting.

Hearing Eric's question about school Ashlee thinks for a moment. School was going good she was passing all her classes but for the last few days a new question was looming in her mind. The thought of college. She'd always told her mom she would go and even though it was still a little ways away if she was going to go she needed to prepare. Just now she wasn't so sure. What she once wanted to go for just...didn't seem like it fit anymore.

   "School is going ok. I'm still passing all my classes so thats good. I am sure if I wasn't you might be the first one to know about it because Mom wouldn't let me help anymore. Out back behind the barn is pretty peaceful too."

Ashlee starts to brush the horse again as she talks gently smoothing the horses coat to make it shiny and soft.

   "When I am out there...sometimes it makes me think that I don't want to leave here in a few years to go to college. I use to be so sure about what I wanted and now...I'm not so sure. I feel like I fit here and I could do this as my job. I's just confusing I guess sometimes trying to straiten it all out."

   "No Rich, I don't even know how you got this number."

Stacy paces her bunk the phone held up to her ear. The conversation on the other end having been going on for at least five minutes now. Stacy had been shocked to hear the familiar voice on the other end. A voice she thought she would never hear again and now wished she hadn't.

   "It doesn't matter if you have seen the error of your ways or not. You haven't been in Ashlee's life for the last fourteen years and she is better off that way. You can beg and plee all you want you gave up your right to see her along time ago."

She new her voice was going up in pitch and really she didn't care. She was angry and if she could be beyond angry she would be and on top of the anger there was hurt as well. It was like a scab being ripped open. She'd loved Rich with all her heart, but she never would of sacrificed her baby's life for that love. It was unfair that he had made her choose.

   "Fine go try and get a court order Rich, I really don't care because I'll fight it tooth and nail and you will lose. You have no right to be calling me or putting us through this. No you'er not her dad, your her father and thats where it ends."

Stopping at the window and looking out across the way to where she could make out Ashlee and Eric working with one of the horses her heart aches a little more. She could remember when Ashlee was little how she would cry because she couldn't be like the other kids. Her questions of why she didn't have a dad and how she would never be able to go to the father daughter dances. Stacy could still remember the crys and the tears she had to whip away. It only made her anger grow.

   "It's not your right, not anymore. You where never there for a scraped knee, when she was sick, to go places with her, to whip her tears away and answer her questions of why she didn't have a daddy. No Rich you lost that right a long time ago and thats finale. I am done talking about it."

Hanging up the phone with a loud slam Stacy sinks down onto the bed and runs a hand over her face. That was the last conversation she had dreamed or wanted to have ever and now that she had it just put her in a sour mood. She didn't understand why this had to happen, why now after all this time. This was the last thing she wanted.

As Jason puts his arm around Katie she brings her hand up to his. That was the first bit of affection he had really shown since he'd woken up. They had cuddled on the couch a little bit but in public it almost had started to feel like they went a couple. But having this little bit now Katie soaks it in all she can.

   "How about next time I just call to talk. Than I wont have to not tell Rick anything."

Walking with Jason Katie leans into him a little bit trying to feel some kind of emotion like she use to from him. Though it was a lost cause she tried anyways, it was just habit and she really couldn't help it.

   "So what are your plans for tonight?"

Hearing Zach's voice Beth gives a smile looking up at him. It was a nice surprise to see him come in at this time. She remembered he had mentioned he had off today but she hadn't thought he would be in to see her. For sure she had thought he had better things to do. But now he was here and she was glad.

   "Hey Zach! It's pretty slow going today but could be worse. How are you enjoying your day off?"

Turning back around for a moment Beth grabs a glass and pours some soda into it before sliding it over to Zach. Giving a smile to him she was proud she new what he drank. Not that it was hard or a big mixture or anything. It was out of the normal for a place like this though and sometimes it was the smile things that were harder to remember.

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