

"Knock knock."

Gunner types one last thing on his computer before turning around to see who was at his cubicle. The visitor makes his eyes widen in surprise, and he immediately stands, smiling. "Well hi there, Cindy! What are you doing here?"

Cindy returns the smile and readjusts Kaylee on her hip. "Um... unfinished business."

Gunner isn't sure what she means, but doesn't pry. "Jason, he... told me about... well, about-"

"It's okay." Cindy cuts him off. "And thanks."

"Yeah." Gunner turns his sights to Kaylee and grins. "Boy has she gotten big."

Cindy chuckles. "She sure has. Haven't you, Pumpkin?"

Kaylee buries her face against Cindy's neck, keeping her head turned just enough to peek out at Gunner, her blonde pigtails bouncing as she moved.

Gunner's grin widens and he moves a little closer, trying to get a smile. "Aw... you're not afraid of ol' Gunner, are you? You shoulda seen me when I was out at the ranch."

Cindy rolls her eyes. "You mean the long hair and shaggy beard look? That woulda scared anybody."

Gunner laughs. "I was just trying to keep the bears away." Catching the glimpse of a little smile on Kaylee's face, he bends down a little more. "Aha... there it is!"

Kaylee finally straightens again, giggling at him. "Gah!"

"No... Gunner."


Gunner laughs. "Yeah, close enough."

Kaylee giggles again and reaches out to him. His eyes widen. "What, really? You want to come to me?"

Cindy grins and hands her over. "Looks like love at first sight, Gunner."

He sheepishly accepts the little girl, giving her a playful bounce before holding her up high and grinning up at her. She squeals and laughs, babbling some unrecognizable words. Her laughter is contagious and Gunner cuddles her close, giving her all the attention she was very skillfully trying to get.

Cindy rolls her eyes. "She's becoming quite the little ham."

"Yeah, but a cute ham." Gunner hands Kaylee back over and sighs with content. "So... sticking around?"

"Don't know yet." Cindy straightens out Kaylee's pink t-shirt. "All depends. I just wanted to at least stop and say hi to you."

"Alright... well maybe I'll catch you later." Gunner watches her walk away, only letting his smile fade when her back is turned. She was trying very hard to appear happy but he saw the depression behind her gaze and it worried him.

Making her route across the main floor, Cindy knew the way well. She passes the main hall, though, and takes the back way down to the lower level, avoiding the majority of people. She'd say hi to everybody else later, including Jason. She'd told him she wanted to visit, she just hadn't said when. It wasn't like her not to make plans with him, but this time... this was different.

Finding the right room on the lower level, her pulse quickens a little. This could be a really, really bad idea. Knocking, she waits until she hears the invite to open the door before slowly letting it swing open. Keeping her arms around Kaylee, her eyes find Trey and she gives him a good hard stare for a long moment.

"Don't try saying anything yet because I'm a woman and can out-talk any man I please." She adjusts Kaylee on her hip, holding her stare on Trey, determined to say what she wanted before he had a chance to stop her - or before she lost her nerve. "I know you hate me and never wanted to see me again. But whether you like it or not, I wanted to see you. Recently I almost lost Jason. When I found out about you, I was pushed away. Not long after I got home, I got word that my husband is missing in action overseas - most likely, he's dead." She shakes her head. "I started feeling sorry for myself. Then I realized that I still had blessings staring me right in the face - and you're one of them. You're still alive and still my son, whether you hate me or not. And I'll be hanged if I don't at least try to gain your trust, or friendship, or whatever I can get."

She takes a deep breath. "You can tell me off, you can scream at me, you can tell me you hate me. But I will keep trying until either I get somewhere with you, or I die. Maybe I'm stupid. Maybe I'm crazy. But I can't live with myself knowing that I willingly just gave up trying to get to know my own son."

Tears sting her eyes, but she refuses to let them overflow. She was so nervous and upset that she was shaking, and Kaylee starts to fuss. Calming her daughter, Cindy resumes her stare at Trey. "For starters, I'd like you to meet some more of your family. You have two more siblings on your father's side, but on my side, this is Kaylee. She's your half-sister."

Kaylee sucks on her fingers and gives Trey and inquisitive look before fingering one of her pigtails, then pointing at him. "Who da?"

Cindy nods. "Trey."

Kaylee scrunches her nose and giggles. "Tra!"

Cindy wanted to laugh at the mispronunciation, but her stomach was churning and her palms clammy. She knew it was risky bringing Kaylee with her, but it's what she wanted. She was prepared to be yelled at, cursed at and/or have the door slammed in her face. But it didn't make her stance any less determined.

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