

Looking at her own cards trying to figure out what to play next Misty gives a slight jump when Carson's phone goes off. For a moment she checked her own but remembered it was sitting on the kitchen counter still. Giving Carson a sidelong glance Misty could feel her cheeks get a little red and she didn't laugh at his comment about Dani.

"For a dead phone that one sure does text good still."

Seeing it was her turn Misty lets it go for now just ending with that comment. She'd rather not get into it with Carson while there was company or make it worse than it was. Though the question still lingered on her mind she'd wait till a little later.

...Once everyone was gone Misty let out a sigh. The question was burning a hole in her mind and she had to ask before it drove her crazy. Maybe Carson had a good explanation or he hadn't though about calling and didn't want to get in trouble....it had to be something an Misty needed to know.

Letting him finish with the kiss to her head and the hug Misty gives a nod. She loved Carson and hated doubting him. Taking a few steps back she looks up into his eyes and study's them for a long moment.

"Carson, how come you lied to me about your phone?"

It was straight, simple and right to the point. Misty didn't really feel like beating around the bush tonight. She felt tired, and just worn out. Maybe it was because the night had been off to a bad start with Carson being late but now she wanted the truth.

As Axel pulls Jess closer to him Jess dosnt resist. She loved being wrapped in his arms, feeling safe, loved. It was not often that Axel showed this emotion but when he did there was no way Jess wanted to turn is down.

Shifting a little to get more comfortable Jess leans into Axel and lets her eyes fall shut. Her one hand bracing herself on his chest so not all her weight was leaning on him and the other to the side of his face just cradling it.

Her own kiss was soft, but deep just letting Axel know how much she loved him, and all the emotions she could never say. It was moments like this Jess was happy for the few times they shaired like this. It made them feel special and she welcomed them, and returned them as well.

Putting away for a second Jess smiles at Axel before turning her head the other way and returning for another kiss. This time just letting her own passion show as she returned the kiss lightly but strong.

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